Popular development frameworks like React and Angular enable us to build dynamic user interfaces and performant applications. But what if you can take everything these two frameworks have to offer and take it to the next level with TypeScript integration?
TypeScript, as a superset of JavaScript when integrated into React and Angular, will certainly improve code quality, reduce coding errors, and streamline application maintenance. This will be conditioned on your ability to integrate TypeScript into React or Angular successfully.
Do you also want to catch coding errors while in compilation early in the development process? Follow the guide below to integrate TypeScript into React or Angular.
What is TypeScript and its Key Features?
TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It makes JavaScript better by adding static typing and optional type annotations to it.
Static typing means developers can define data types of the variables, functions, and components. As a result, the compiler can catch potential errors prematurely in the development process.
In addition to React and Angular, other frameworks that can be integrated with TypeScript include.
- FeathersJS
- LoopbackJS
- AdonisJS
- NodeJS
Key Features of TypeScript
- Code maintainability: The source code’s complexity increases as the project grows. TypeScript enables you to write well-structured and clear code that’s easier to maintain. This is because TypeScript improves the code’s understanding and the process of modifying the same at a later stage.
- Less runtime Errors: Static typing helps identify type mismatches before the code is run onto the browser. Because you can identify the errors beforehand, there won’t be any unexpected crashes and bugs slowing down the development work.
- Developer experience: Modern IDEs facilitate a platform for intelligence code completion. Refactoring tools leverage TypeScript’s type definitions, which eases the development experience for professionals, increasing work productivity.
TypeScript has some powerful features, but it ultimately compiles down to plain JavaScript code, which you can run in any browser. The TypeScript compiler works as a translator and a type-safe code converter to JavaScript.
The translator is a major reason for the seamless integration, as it allows you to leverage the benefits of TypeScript without sacrificing compatibility.
For a TypeScript development company, this integration with React or Angular is a productive move. It also elevates the company’s status and brand positioning as someone who can deliver high-quality work and bring real value to the market.
TypeScript Integration with React
Integrating TypeScript with React means using its features and functions to improve the React development process. When hiring TypeScript developers, their understanding of this integration should be a key parameter.
Here’s what TypeScript has to offer for a ReactJS web development company.
- Components type safety: React is dependent on JavaScript for defining props and states. Since TypeScript has everything JavaScript has to offer, you can define the props and state for React development and specify the data they will hold.
- IDE-Driven development: React-compatible IDEs can also leverage TypeScript’s components and features. So, when using an IDE, you are set to receive relevant suggestions and options based on the defined types. This will make React development faster.
- Clear code structure: TypeScript interfaces and classes provide a better coding structure for React components. So, using this structuring, you can clearly define props and state, and simultaneously document the data React components expect and manage, giving a clear and easy-to-understand code.
React-TypeScript Integration Process
1. Create React App: Begin by creating a new React project with TypeScript, and for this, you require Create React App on the system and make sure it has built-in TypeScript support. Open it and use the following command to create a new React project in TypeScript.
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
This command will create a TypeScript-configured React project named my-app. With this done, open the code editor, whichever you are comfortable with, to find the React project name.
2. Define Project Type: Start the project by creating a new component file with the name User.tsx within the src directory and define the user component using TypeScript Syntax. Here’s an example related to the above file name.
interface UserProps {
name: string;
age: number;
const User: React.FC<UserProps> = (props) => {
return (
<h1>Hello, {props.name}!</h1>
<p>You are {props.age} years old.</p>
export default User;
Here’s what’s happening in the code script above.
- We are defining the interface named UserProps, which specifies the type to take for the component’s props, wherein the name is a string, and the age is a number.
- The component function User accepts props of type UserProps to ensure the safety of the function while accessing props within the component.
3. Using the Component: Now, let's import the User component into another component, for example, App.tsx. This is followed by passing correct data types using the script.
import User from './User';
const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
<User name="John Doe" age={30} />
export default App;
In this code snippet, we are utilizing the User component created before and seed-specific data to be displayed within the component structure.
To run the server, write npm, start the development server, and run the React app in the browser.
This was a simple representation of how TypeScript can integrate with React, demonstrating the utilization of components. You can use other features like Classes or Generics for more complex structures and deliver TypeScript development services.
Best Practices to Use TypeScript in React
- Begin the project by adding the most important parts of the application, like props, component stage, users, generics, etc. Similarly, add the arguments and return values of the functions.
- Use the React interfaces and types to shape the data and state within the components. Moreover, be as explicit and clear as you can when defining types and interfaces to improve your understanding of how different parts of the code interact with each other.
- Leverage TypeScript’s built-in features like Union types, interfaces, type guards, and discriminated unions to improve your code’s quality and expressiveness.
TypeScript Integration with Angular
Integrating TypeScript with Angular is even easier because the latter is built with the former. Isn’t that great….
Here’s the process to follow, but before we begin, ensure that you have Angular CLI installed on the system.
1. Generate New Project: Using Angular CLI, generate a new project and use the following code.
ng new my-angular-app
Running this will create a new project named my-angular-app, which
TypeScript is the default input method.
2. Choose a Project Structure: In the next step, open the project in the preferred code editor. Here, the choice is yours; rest assured that TypeScript and Angular work seamlessly on.
- Visual Studio Code
- WebStorm
- Sublime
- Atom
- Eclipse
3. Define Angular Component: Go to the src/app directory to generate a new component with a product name. Let’s assume the name to be product.component.ts using the code.
ng generate component product
This will create a new component directory, and have the necessary files. Moving on, start working with the component by opening product.component.ts, and you will observe that all the component class files are already defined with the basic functionalities.
4. Define an Interface: TypeScript is great for interfaces, and here’s how to create one.
interface Product {
id: number;
name: string;
price: number;
This code script specifies the properties of the Product, ensuring that it must have.
5. Use Interface in the Component: Now, you need to modify the component class to utilize the Product interface.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-product',
templateUrl: './product.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./product.component.css']
export class ProductComponent {
product: Product = {
id: 1,
name: 'T-Shirt',
price: 25.99
In this function, we have defined a property with the name Product of the type product with the purpose of data accessibility within the component.
Don’t worry. There’s only one step left.
6. Using the Component: Open the component template file, product.component.html, and use Angular directives to show the following information.
<h1>Product Details</h1>
<p>ID: {{ product.id }}</p>
<p>Name: {{ product.name }}</p>
<p>Price: {{ product.price }}</p>
Once done, run the development server in the terminal with the code.
ng serve
Once complete, you will start the development server and open the Angular application in the browser.
Best Practices for Angular and TypeScript Integration
Angular and TypeScript integration is streamlined, so there is no doubt about that. Still, as a responsible and trusted TypeScript development company, let us share some of the best practices for your reference.
- Lazy Loading: It's a technique allowing developers to load components only when they are required. As a result, you will experience higher performance of the built application due to the less amount of code that must be loaded initially.
- Use a Profiler: Using a profiler, you can identify performance bottlenecks in the code. Effective identification means improving the performance of the code.
- Continuous Integration Server: This server can help automate the development, testing, and debugging process. Moreover, with this approach, you can release new versions of the application more quickly and reliably.
Work with Mobmaxime, the Best TypeScript Development Company
At Mobmaxime, we have worked extensively with TypeScript, React, and Angular, as well as a wide range of development technologies. Incorporating TypeScript can significantly improve your application’s maintainability, efficiency, and product quality.
However, working with this integrated TypeScript can be complex, especially when working with a large codebase or teams who are unfamiliar with the programming language. This is where we recommend partnering with a TypeScript development company like Mobmaxime.
We are in this industry to change the game.
Our experienced TypeScript developers have the skills and knowledge to navigate through the complexity of these integrations and ensure that your project harnesses the full potential of TypeScript.
Working with a reliable partner like Mobmaxime will empower your project to become the foundation of your success. Get in touch with us to know more on how we can build you an impressive application with TypeScript, React, and Angular.