There are two types of inheritance:
- Single
- Multi-level
Single inheritance inherits functions, modifiers, events, and variables from the parent class.
Whereas multi-level inheritance creates multiple parent child relationships. Contract A is a parent of contract B and contract B is a parent of contract C.
Example of Inheritance
Import “./owned.sol”;
Contract InheritanceExample is owned{
The “is” keyword is used for inheritance in solidity.
Example of Single Inheritance
pragma solidity > 0.8 .0 <= 0.9 .0;
contract Inheritance_A {
function car_1() public pure virtual returns(string memory) {
return "Inheritance_A";
function car_2() public pure virtual returns(string memory) {
return "Inheritance_A";
function car_3() public pure virtual returns(string memory) {
return "Inheritance_A";
contract Inheritance_B is Inheritance_A {
function car_1() public pure override returns(string memory) {
return "Inheritance_B";
function car_2() public pure override returns(string memory) {
return "Inheritance_B";
When this is deployed,
Inheritance_B is deployed and we can see that in Inheritance_B there is no car_3, but we can see a function while it is deployed.
Example of multi-level Inheritance
contract Inheritance_C is Inheritance_A,Inheritance_B{
function car_1() public pure override(Inheritance_A,Inheritance_B) returns (string memory){
return "Inheritance_C";
function car_2() public pure override(Inheritance_A,Inheritance_B) returns (string memory){
return "Inheritance_C";
Advantages of Inheritance
- It has the ability to modify a contract and reflect the modifications in another contract.
- Inheritance is mainly used to reuse the existing code.
- Reduce the dependency.
- Modifiers are used to change the behavior of the function.
- It automatically checks pre-conditions.
Example of Modifier
Modifier only owner{
require (msg.sender== owner, “you are not the owner”);
The symbol _; is called a merge wildcard. It is used to merge the function code with the modifier code.