Important thing one should know about Microsoft Expression Web 4.0

Microsoft recently realeased Expression Web 4.0 which replaces the front HTML editor and  website design tools. Here are some Important thing one should know about Microsoft Expression Web 4.0:

Microsoft recently realeased Expression Web 4.0 which replaces the front HTML editor and  website design tools.

1. Expression Web replaces FrontPage in Microsoft's lineup, but it fits into a different slot.

2. Expression Web hooks into the Microsoft Script Editor, which provides debugging tools for client-side

3. Expression Web is capable of working with ASP.NET files, but it can't work with the code-behind files.

4. The rest of the Expression suite covers the ground that Expression Web doesn't.

5. If you want the functionality of the Master Page system without using ASP.NET, Expression Web has
    a Dynamic Web Template system.
6. One sign of the former Office integration is the use of the spell checker, something which will most
     likely never appear in Visual Studio.

7. Expression Web contains three important and useful validators i.e CSS valudator, HTML validator and
    accessibility validator.

8. Expression Web provides a good number of tools for reporting against the site that you're working
    on, as the frontpage does.

9.  Expression Web Unlike FrontPage, Expression Web purposely generates standard, valid HTML and
     CSS by default.

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