Implementation Of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

Why use SSDT
There are many problems which we face while using SQL Server. It's very important to design your database correctly and keep it working.

So here Microsoft has come along with one solution to all database-related problems. I am going to explain how to create SSDT projects in VS to manage Database. Once you create a project you can easily explore it and get to know its advantages.

Following are some advantages which I found,
  • You can select your object from solution explorer and easily edit existing object.
  • Create new object just by right clicking on solution Explorer.
  • Compare two database schema using schema compare functionality.
  • Easily find out the all the references of any column of table so that you can easily get to know where it's used in case a column is renamed.
  • You can do all the things of SQL Server like select, create, update, etc using server explorer
  • We can also track the versions of each object once we add it to Git/SVN version controlling system.
Step 1

Creating a project:  File>New>Project>SQL Server Database Project.

SQL Server
Step 2

Import a Database: Right click on project>Import>Database..
SQL Server 
Step 3

Add Database details: Click on Select Connection>Enter server details>Select Database Name>Click on connect.
SQL Server 
Step 4

Click on connect button>Click on start button of Import Database Window.

Now it will start all details of your database like Tables,Views,Stored procedures etc. It will take some time depending on the number of objects in database.
SQL Server
Step 5

Click on finish and your Database is ready to use.

You can do all the things of SQL Server like select, create, update, etc using server explorer as shown below in the left corner. 
SQL Server
So, this is a very useful but less used feature provided by Microsoft. Thanks for Reading. Enjoy coding.
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