How To Update Hyperlink Fields With URL And Description Using Microsoft Flow


In this article, I will show you how to update hyperlink fields with URL and description in Share Point using Microsoft Flow (Power Automate).
Sometimes we have the requirement to add a URL in the Share Point list column and we can’t directly update the URL with a description using the Update Item action in MS Flow. So in this article, I will show you how to Update the URL with a description of the Share Point List.

Share Point List

I have already created a list with two fields, Title (single line of text) and Address (Hyperlink).
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F

Steps to create Flow

Step 1
Open Power Automate Link.
Step 2
Select the “Create” option from the Left Navigation Panel and then select “Automated cloud flow”
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
Step 3
Once you select the above option a dialog box will  open. Enter details and Click on the “Create” Button.
Flow Name - Enter the name of your flow
Choose your flow’s trigger based on your requirement. Choose trigger from the list.
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
Step 4
Once you click on create your flow page opens with your action.
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
Enter your Site Address and List Name
Step 5
Click on Add New Action and add “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint “
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
Step 6
Fill in all the data details
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
Site Address - your Site Address
Method - POST
Uri - _api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘ListName’)/items([ID]). Update “ListName” to your list’s name.
Replace “[ID]” with the ID field from dynamic content. 
Step 7
Click on “Text Mode” in send HTTP request action.
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
Step 8
Add the below code in the Header Text Box
  1. {  
  2.    "Content-Type""application/json;odata=verbose",  
  3.    "X-HTTP-Method""MERGE",  
  4.    "IF-MATCH""*"  
  5. }   
Step 9
Add the below code in in the Body Text Box
  1. {'__metadata': {'type':'SP.Data.RecordsListItem'},  
  2.    'Address':{'Description''Click Here','Url'''}  
  3. }  
Step 10
Replace 'SP.Data.RecordsListItem’ with your own list’s name.
For getting ListItemEntityTypeFullName for your list use the below rest API
 “_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘<List name>’)?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName”.
Step 11
Replace 'Address' with the name of the hyperlink column’s name
Step 12
Replace Description text with the label/description/clickable text you want for the link
Step 13
Replace with the URL/address part of the hyperlink
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
How Update Hyperlink fields with URL and Description using Microsoft F
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