How To Use OR & AND Filters In SharePoint List

This blog will discuss the OR & AND filters in SharePoint and how we can use them simultaneously to get the required view.

Use case: I have a list of car details with multiple columns and records. Some fields in certain records are empty. I want to create a filtered view of the list that excludes any cars with an empty description.

So, to achieve the above use case, I will use the OR & AND filters and create a view.

Here are the steps to be followed.

First, create a car details list in SharePoint and add some data to it.

Now we will create a new view from the list setting.

How To Use OR & AND Filters in SharePoint List

Now we will add filters to a view to get only data where cars have descriptions for it.

How To Use OR & AND Filters in SharePoint List

Once we added our filters and click on save, you will now see only those records where the Car has a description against it.


How To Use OR & AND Filters in SharePoint List


There are certain limitations to using OR filter first and then the AND filters. So to learn more about the filter rules, you can visit the link below.

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