How to Solve Merge Conflicts While Creating a Master PR

To resolve merge conflicts while creating a master PR, follow these steps:

1. Open Visual Studio and select the master branch.

2. Sync the project or get the latest changes from the master branch.

3. Create a new branch under the master branch.

4. Click on the new branch and right click select develop branch and select "View History" or "View Branch History" (if your code is merged into the develop branch).

5. Locate your develop PR in the history and right-click on it.

6. Select the "Cherry-Pick" option.

7. Open the editor to resolve the conflict.

8. Go to the Git Changes tab on the right side, Unmerged Changes option which displays files with conflict issues..

9. Double-click on a specific file to open it for comparison.

10. Three windows will appear, showing the Incoming: source (develop branch code) on the left and Current: target (your branch with conflict) on the right and below Result: with file location.

11. Review the differences between the source and target code.

12. Select the appropriate code by checking the related checkboxes.

13. If the conflict occurs due to line numbers, select both the source and target lines.

14. Check all files line by line and ensure the correct code is selected.

15. Once resolved, click on the "Accept Merge" option.

16. Add comments in the description box to describe the changes made during conflict resolution.

17. Push your changes and create a PR for the master branch.

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