Suppose, by mistake you have to define wrong permission of main admin User and you can not reset all permission in main admin user.
![main admin user]()
You define wrong permission of main admin .
![define wrong permission of main admin]()
Set wrong permission and you can not reset in main admin user .
![Set wrong permission]()
Open database follow the step:
Step 1: Get current admin role details.
- SELECT * FROM admin_role WHERE role_name = 'Administrators'
- /*Administrators - is Your admin role name*/
![run sql query]()
Step 2: Remove Existing permissions for the Admin role:
- /*clean all permission rules*/
- DELETE admin_rule
- FROM admin_rule, admin_role
- admin_role.role_name = 'Administrators' /* Your admin role name*/
- AND admin_rule.role_id = admin_role.role_id
![my admin]()
Click go button.
Step 3: Update Permission rule for the admin role.
![Update Permission]()
Click go button.
![admin role]()
Log out & try to login with your credentials to logged in.
So you can reset all permission to the main admin user.