How To Prevent Being Hacked

In this blog, I will talk about some cool tips and tricks to help prevent getting hacked. The number of internet users is increasing, increasing the chances of  being hacked. Here are some tips to avoid such situations:

  • Make sure your password is unique and is a combination of numbers, upper and lowercase letters and special characters (@,#,$,%,^,&,*etc.). Often, email services allow this kind of passwords only.

  • Always log out from your account, especially when signing in from some shared device.

  • Always delete the cookies or clear all visiting data (because while you are visiting any site or signing in to some device, then  all details or visiting information is stored in your computer and hackers can steal your cookies).

Now, all the visiting history will appear like this.


On clicking the clear data option, you will remove all the visited history or cookie information.

  • Be aware of fake sites. The original URL will start with http://. Be careful of entering your password on fake websites.

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