Today, I am writing how to change and update Office 365 admin account or other user accounts as well. So here, I will be showing you all the details step by step with screenshots.
Sometimes, we need to change the Office 365 user account name and other details. To do so, we need to follow the below steps.
It will take us to the account details page. Here, we will be getting many options below.
Here, select personal info and we will see all details in the right side. We will get an option to edit all the details.
Just click on Edit in the part that you want to update. Then, save the same. We can change the picture as well for the user account, by clicking on the "Change Photo" link. It will ask to upload the pic from the computer or any other source.
On the Setting page, we can change the theme of the Office 365 page.
One of the options from the left side is Install status. From here, we can see the installed software and also monitor where we have installed the Office 365 app and how many places it is being used.
Now, comes the Subscription option. Here, we can find Licenses assigned for this user, as shown below.
My account page is the default page. It works like a dashboard where the full summary of all the pages is displayed. We can select any option and can access the page directly from the page.