Hello Readers!
In this blog we are going to see how to manage files which are not checked in. Sometimes other users will check out a document and will not check in back. They might have done some changes to the document and lately they might leave the company or department or other reasons.
Now when as a user when even I need to see that document and work on it, I‘ll see it is already checked out to the other person who is no longer related to the document.
If I check in or discard check out, I might lose all the changes he made so what should will I do now?
Don’t you worry,
- Go to the Document Library Settings.
- Open the “Manage files which have no checked in version” section.
- You will find a view like the below.
- Similarly the checked out item will be visible here.
- Select it.
- Click in the below button, “Take Ownership of Selection”
- Once you click on it , the document gets removed from the view below and comes back to the library as you as the owner.
- Now you as an owner can open the file and review the document and accordingly, Check In or Discard Check Out thereby you will not lose if the other person made some changes which are important to you too.
Keep Learning!