How To Find Employees Hired Last Month Or Year In SQL Server


In this blog, we will understand how we can find employees hired last month or year. We will understand DATEDIFF function in SQL server. The DATEDIFF function is used to calculate the difference between two dates.


DATEDIFF(expression1, expression2)

Here the data type of <expression1> and <expression2> is some type of date, time, or datetime. The result is <expression2> - <expression1>.

Step 1

Open SQL server 2014 and create a table of employees,
  1. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employees](  
  2.     [EmployeeId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  
  3.     [Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,  
  4.     [Gender] [char](10) NULL,  
  5.     [Age] [int] NULL,  
  6.     [Position] [nvarchar](50) NULL,  
  7.     [Office] [nvarchar](50) NULL,  
  8.     [HireDate] [datetime] NULL,  
  9.     [Salary] [int] NULL,  
  11. (  
  12.     [EmployeeId] ASC  
  14. ) ON [PRIMARY]  
  16. GO   
Step 2
Insert some dummy data with employee record
  1. insert into Employees values('Airi Satou','Male',34,'Software Engineer','Tokyo','2018-11-01',162700)  
  2. insert into Employees values('Angelica Ramos','Male',40,'Accountant','London','2018-08-10',1200000)  
  3. insert into Employees values('Caesar Vance','Male',42,'Sales Assistant','New York','2018-05-01',162700)  
  4. insert into Employees values('Cara Stevens','Male',30,'Pre-Sales Support','New York','2018-11-01',162700)  
  5. insert into Employees values('Colleen Hurst','Male',34,'Software Engineer','San Francisco','2018-12-05',86000)  
  6. insert into Employees values('Dai Rios','Male',45,'Regional Director','London','2018-08-10',132000)  
  7. insert into Employees values('Gavin Joyce','Female',28,'Developer','San Francisco','2018-09-15',206850)  
  8. insert into Employees values('Brenden Wagner','Male',38,'Support Engineer','New York','2018-10-20',372000)  
  9. insert into Employees values('Cara Stevens','Female',30,'Integration Specialist','Tokyo','2018-12-25',145600)  
  10. insert into Employees values('Cedric Kelly','Female',22,'Senior Javascript Developer','Edinburgh','2018-12-30',106450)  

Query for employees who were hired in the last year,

  1. select *, DATEDIFF(YEAR,HireDate, GETDATE()) as Different  
  2. from Employees  
  3. where DATEDIFF(YEAR,HireDate, GETDATE()) between 0 and 1  
  4. order by HireDate ASC  
How To Find Employees Hired Last Month Or Year In SQL Server

Query for employees who were hired in  the last months,

  1. select *, DATEDIFF(MONTH,HireDate, GETDATE()) as Different  
  2. from Employees  
  3. where DATEDIFF(MONTH,HireDate, GETDATE()) between 0 and 1  
  4. order by HireDate DESC  
 How To Find Employees Hired Last Month Or Year In SQL Server
Query for employees who were  hired in the last 30 days,
  1. select *, DATEDIFF(DAY,HireDate, GETDATE()) as Different  
  2. from Employees  
  3. where DATEDIFF(DAY,HireDate, GETDATE()) between 0 and 30  
  4. order by HireDate ASC  
How To Find Employees Hired Last Month Or Year In SQL Server
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