Hi guys, let's explore a smooth and seamless process of embedding a PowerApps-developed canvas app on a Model-Driven Dynamics form by following the simple steps explained below.
Create a Canvas Power App using and do the necessary development with DataSource and other related features.
Sign into Dynamics 365 and have the Model-Driven Form Ready for being Embedded.
Admin Access for both the above Environments to Deploy it without any Failures.
On contacting the main form:
- Added a single line of text field "Discharge Form".
- On this field - added "canvas app" control.
- On “Field Properties”, add canvas app.
- Click “OK”.
![How To Embed Canvas App On A Model Driven Dynamics Form]()
- Click open your Sample Form say: “BRG Discharge Form” over here
- Center-aligned “Page 1” label.
- Save and publish
- Click ok on the above screen.
- Save and publish the contact form.
The above process will help to get all the changes dynamically reflected on the Model-Driven Form whenever you update some changes on your PowerApp Environment related to your respective Canvas App.
Thus, we got to know the complete process of embedding a Canvas Power App onto a Dynamics Model Driven Form.