How to become an author

This article was published several years ago. Here is the new and updated article:

Several people have asked how they can write a technical book and get it published.

To become a published author, follow these steps, and you will be on your way to becoming a published author.

Writing a technical book isn’t that difficult as long as you have expertise on a subject and you have time. Before you start writing, you should ask yourself why you want to write a book. Remember, it’s cool to be a published author, but authoring a book doesn’t mean you will make much money.

1. Pick a Topic

The first task to become an author is to pick a topic on which you would like to write a book. You need to be an expert on that topic. Ok, let’s say you are not an expert on that topic, but by the time your book is finished, you must become one. You must also have an interest in that topic. If you are not interested in a topic, it will be difficult to come up with some cool samples. For example, you like working with 3D graphics in WPF and XAML and have done a lot of work and research. You can probably write a book on 3D Programming in WPF.

2. Research, Research, Research

Research is the key to success. The more research you do to write the contents of your book, the chances are, the more successful your book will be. You need to buy a bunch of books on the topic and read them online on MSDN or any other documentation you find. After learning from these books and documentation, you get an idea of what is out there and what is missing. Your main focus should be on what is missing, not what is already out there. You may find a small sample in each class in MSDN but how about some complex examples? You need to come up with your own authentic examples. Try to put your real-life experience in your book and explain how you solved your problems in your real-life programming.

3. Start Writing

When you are doing your research, start writing small articles on the topics, which you learn during your research. Also, try to get some of those published on websites like C# Corner ( Also, try to get some feedback on your articles to see how your writing style is and how people like it.

4. Delve Deep

After you start light, it’s time to delve deep into the topic and find solutions to the problems and explanations of classes and their members with samples that none of the documentation or books have. At this point, start writing some complex applications and samples.

5. Put a TOC and Sample Chapter

Now you know enough about a topic, have done the research, and have developed sample applications and the last hard part is to put a TOC (table of contents) together with your chapters and all headings (first level and second level) of the chapters. Also, write a complete chapter with your sample applications.

6. Contact a Publisher

Once you have your TOC and sample chapter ready, your next step is to contact a publisher. There are several good technical publishers, and my favorites are APress and Addison-Wesley.

7. Congratulations!

If a publisher likes your TOC and sample chapter, you will get a contract, book templates, and other material, and you are on your way to getting famous. If you need more advice, you may contact me.

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