Highlights of Modern SharePoint Web Parts - Part 1


Hi guys, let's try to learn more about the list of modern web parts in a quick glance by going through the one-liner definitions. This is a one-stop blog for a quick overview of all the Modern Web Parts so that you can use them more easily for your projects. This post is Part 1. Check for Part 2 for the complete information. 
Web Parts 
Text - To Add Content with Text. Promotes Anchor Tagging only for H1-H3 headings.
Image - To Add a Single Image only.
File viewer - Works efficiently with Lists/Libraries Data Source for Smart Viewing/Analysis/Presentations.
Link - To add a single link to a Page, Video, or Image on the Internet only.
Embed - To embed Videos from YouTube or other sources using IFrame codes or direct links. Works efficiently with Lists/Library Data Sources.
Highlighted content - To highlight Most Recent Documents/Content Hub wise, Site wise, Library wise and other specifications.
Bing maps - To display a Key location on a Map promoting Geographical presentation.
Button - To add a Button with a Label and link promoting quick Navigation.
Call to action - To create a Clickable Button with Text description promoting a Call to Action.
Code Snippet - To display code as text on the Modern page for others to use or learn.
Conversations - To display Yammer Group, User, Topic or Home Feed.
Countdown Timer - To display the remaining Time to display in Days, Hours, Mins, Sec, etc for a particular Event planned.
Divider - To divide the Modern Site page more effectively promoting Real Estate management.
Document Library - To display a minified version of the selected Library and make a smart analysis of it.
Events - Promoting Calendar Activities management for Communication and Hub sites.
Group calendar - Promoting Calendar Activities management for Team sites.
Hero - To display 5 pieces of Content in a highly visual layout in Tiles, Layers style.
Highlights - To display Yammer Conversation's highlights or it's Legacy Embed Feed.
Image Gallery - To spotlight all the favorite Images list in a Brick, Grid or Carousel style Layouts.
Kindle Instant Preview - To embed a Kindle Preview using IFrame coded Amazon Read Src code link.
List - To display a minified version of the selected List and make a smart analysis of it.
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