Highlights of Modern SharePoint


Hi friends, today we are going to explore the complete highlights of all the Modern Web Parts, Modern Publishing Options, Modern Lists/Libraries, Modern Options, Modern Features, etc. in a complete summary. So what are you waiting for, let's start reading this blog, which I am presenting to make readers more familiar with all the types of modern options available
Theme Generator is for applying Custom Theme and applying it on the Modern Sites using SharePoint Online PowerShell scriptings. It's one of the ways to apply Custom Theme changes using PS scripting avoiding SPFx Customizations. It's very simple to use, and a good example of modern presentation and development on modern Sites. Once applied to a hub automatically, all it's associated sites/sub sites shall inherit them.

Use an Organizational Chart for highlighting Release Preferences.

The Hero Webpart Edit button editing is a good example to display 5 pieces of Content in a highly visual layout in tiles and layers style. We have further options of redefining pre-available templates, links can be added for quick navigations to those images with titles/headlines.



Tiles can be used for Navigation, Highlighting content, Lists, Show people with some Visualizations, Images driving to some department wise content. Rearrange with Drag and Dropping tiles is an added advantage. Autosaving with Wp Settings configurations after closing is one of the plus points for most of the Modern Web Parts.

Getting color generation from my Theme


OneDrive file sharing asks a popup question before sharing on Hero WP.


Events pointing to a Calendar and is the Modern Web Part for all kinds of Calendar Management Activities for Hub/Comm Sites while Group Calendar serves the same purpose for a Modern Team site.


Geographical features are also glued up to the events calendar, which is helpful for including geographical locations for a better modern presentation option.


People new to WP in Modern Pages are helpful for attaining requirements like Key Leaders, Award Winners, Top Performers, Organizational Members, etc. with their complete Profile details without even double clicking to reach their complete info. This was done previously before in classic environment.


Add people using People Picker concept as many as provided that they are active users. Outlook total User info and a detailed description is an added advantage.

Go to your Profile:


Communication Site doesn’t have that big ugly grey area ribbon representation compared to Team Site, so no loss in the Real Estate Area.

Modern Sites have their Real Estate Area well managed, avoiding all kinds of Classic Ribbons on the Top. Spacer and Divider Modern WebParts also very efficient for the same purpose.  

Modern vs Classic

No differences in changing the Look, Site Collection Features, Site Content, Top Right Gear etc.

Modern Sites have an extra Navigation Global on the top which can only be edited with Edit option and gets automatically reflected to the associated Sites/Subsites. Image/Logo also once uploaded on the Hub sites gets reflected across all the associated sites promoting Modern Inheritance.

Activate team collaboration lists features under site features to get the list of apps.



We create communication sites and team sites in order to keep the best practices very interesting and promote modern smart presentation, designing, development, administration, and usage.

The latest news on all the sections that we refer to is presented automatically. New Sites/Subsites/Pages/Lists/Libraries when created also gives the option to include in the latest news for presenting and also navigational link can be included. We can also share the news through mail or copy the link option to other users.


No Communication site is allotted as a subsite under a team site.

Modern Lists and Libraries

Modern Lists 

The toolbar is different compared to classic lists.


New- Form Filling option when compared to Classic Lists.

New option to quickly create Columns as per the requirement without going to the List Settings. 

Quick Edit option for Data Sheet View, Spreadsheet format, Drag and Drop, Big list of things quickly editing without opening individual items.

Export to Excel- Spread sheet-Not New same as Classic Lists.

Flow, PowerApps are new Modern Features options available only for Modern Experience and is available for the Lists when New Experience is enabled under Advanced Settings under List Settings.

Views can be seen in the Right corner + Power Apps developed.


Ignored Totals in the Modern Lists need to flip to Classic if required back.

Make View Private new Feature in the ModernList.

Item Level gives details like Recent Activities, History, version, Access available members, quick preview available when clicked on the 'Open the details pane' option.

Click away the autosaving option.

Item level permissions can be quickly changed using this option saving the time to build a SharePoint designer workflow/ MS Flows.


The advanced option takes you to a Permission screen where we can do some quick Modern User Permission Management.


The copy link option is available to generate an ID-free URL, reducing the complexity.


Modern Library

Modern Library also has the same options as a Modern List, but there are a few more highlights to discuss. 

Uploads in Document Types & Links also can be added without adding Content Type links.

Recent Files that we work on it Links generation can be done and added in the Modern Library as documents into them without Drag & Drop/Upload etc.

Multiple Uploads without selecting Ctrl+Shift.

Options to open a Document in a Library like Word, Word Online, etc.


More 'get link' option restriction dropdowns, as shown below:


Multiple files are downloadable in a .Zip file

Multiple Files can’t be Checked out Together while only can be Moved to or Copied to.

Extra Preview option after selecting Library item to take a glance but other options remain the same.

Width formatting is temporarily set for the Columns but again remains the same.

**Team Flows can collaborate on My Flows.

For direct creation of Columns without navigating to Library Settins+Show Hide+Reordering Columns.

Team Sites are ad-hoc collaborations.

Solutions sites with special facilities + Team sites that pop up+ Can collaborate easily.

AllItems* signifying to save the View, red color denotes where the item needs our attention. Editing the View and saving it Creates a new view. Old Classic option also exists through List Settings.

A lot of options to Sort, Filter by, Column Settings + Filter by, Groupby only to the suitable columns without going to the View.

Group by records can be dragged and separated.

Date Field Sorting options available to sort Older to Newer and vice versa.

Filter through File type, Project Name, Year wise using the Slider.

Tiles View in the Library is helpful for interchanging the Group by documents using Drag and Drop option and hence editing the Metadata.


Arrange option to give the Columns back for the Tiles view in the Library.

Admin Settings->SiteSettings for exploring more options in the Modern Library, as shown below:


Central Admin Settings for Lists & Libraries:


Modern Webparts can be added by creating a new Modern Page

The + symbol in a Modern Page is used to add new Moder Web Parts on your Page.


Typing free form Texting, basic formatting, heading, and subheading are super simple. Text WebPart supports Anchor Tags but can be only generated for H1/H3 font sizes.

The Image Modern WP redirects you to recently used images of the same size. To Add a Single Image only. For multiple images, we can go for Image Gallery to spotlight all the favorite Images list in a Brick, Grid or Carousel style Layouts.

The Document WP is used to insert documents recently used here also. The total document says PPT for when it is embedded in the area. Start slide-2 options are available, as well as the starting page number for a Word doc,

O365 video WP to display Office 365 Portal Videos only promoting Modern Publishing and Presentation options.


It takes the videos recently used from the Office 365 portal only.

Embed Modern WP to embed Videos from YouTube or other sources using IFrame codes or direct links. Works efficiently with Lists/Library Data Sources. Embed code is generated when you click Share option from that Power BI source/YouTube/Other sources and it's an IFrame coded code that can be embedded.



Quick links adding multiple Hyperlinks promoting Modern Presentation. It can present Multiple links to multiple Pages external and internal with Icons that includes Images promoting Modern Publishing.


Recollects recently used files their links with appropriate titles.



Links are scrollable.


Site activity WP based on SP Search and has all the activities working on and no edit settings for any configuration. It quickly present all Site-related activities with number of items adjusted using a Slider.


Most recently viewing, working, links etc. promotes relevant promotion of Modern Presentation on the Pages.

Yammer Feed can be quickly presented using Conversations or Highlights Modern Web Parts.

Conversations are used to display a Yammer Group, User, Topic or Home Feed while Highlights. Also used to display Yammer Conversation's highlights or it's Legacy Embed Feed. 

Highlighting Content a simpler version of Content Search WP with a lot of options on the right side. It can highlight the Most Recent Documents/Content Hub wise, Site wise, Library wise and other specifications.




**Managed Property coming from the Root site collection either we can type or pick that option

**Change default Column Settings

Modern Look go for Advance Settings-New Experience

Dynamically showing highlighting content, tag a page, role that content, No Page Layouts but only Section Layouts on Modern Pages.



News post modern publishing


Manipulate thumbnail, description, logo etc.


News articles can be emailed, shared etc.


Bing Maps WP helps to quickly add some Geographical option.



The caption also included along with the Image. Change aspect ratio. Crop it live and rotate it to save it.

Other Modern Options to highlight 
MS Forms for Quizzing, Surveys, Polling, Voting, etc. 
Virtual Agents or BOTS for establishing an Artificial Intelligent Chat System.
Anchor Tags supported by H1/H3 size fonts only for quick navigation to some specific/favorite sections when there is too much content on your landing page.
Customizable SiteFooter by making an XML file using PnP Generation Schema and applying it through PowerShell.
Site Design and Site Scripts are also other Modern Customization Template options. 
SPFx WebParts and Extenstion for further Modern Customization actions to implement, Refer GitHub for already existing Project Solutions to apply for your projects.
Happy Coding :) 

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