Get to know the Presentational Elements of HTML



Today I will be showing the presentational element of HTML. These elements only affect the presentation of the webpage. You can also achieve similar effects by using CSS. More precisely, we will be learning about the following tags, (<b>, <i>, <u>, <s> and <tt>).
Here, <b> is the HTML tag for bold:
<title> The BOLD TAG</title>
The following elements use the <b> Bold </b> text presentation
<i> is the HTML tag used for italic, for example:
<title> The ITALIC TAG</title>
The following elements use the <i> Italic </i> text presentation

<u> is the HTML tag used to underline, for example:


<title> The UNDERLINE TAG</title>
The following elements use the <u> underlined </u> text presentation
<s> is the HTML tag used for strikethrough, for example
<title> The STRIKETHROUGH TAG</title>
The following elements use the <s> strikethrough </s> text presentation
<tt> is the HTML tag used for monospaced or example
<title> The MONOSPACED TAG</title>
The following elements use the <tt> strikethrough </tt> text presentation
Practicing the following example will help you get perfection with the following presentational elements
<title> the presentational elements </title>
The example that will teach code using all the presentational elements and line break is <br>
The element that is more dark within the text is called the <b> Bold </b> element <br>
The element that has a line over text is called <s> strikethrough </s> element <br>
The element that is a bit tilted is the <i> Italic </i> element <br>
The element that has a line underneath is called the <u> underlined</u> element <br>
The element that has text half in size to the surrouding text is called the <tt> monospaced </tt> element <br>
<hr />
Getting deeper with the presentational elements, we may find the following elements helpful:
<sup>, <sub>, <big>, <small>, <hr />
Helping you get familiar with these elements, here we see that any content written in between <sup> is in superscript, whereas the early versions of HTML consist of seven standard sizes of text and the <big> element, which helps introduce one font size larger than the surrounding text. The content of the <sub> element is written in subscript, which means that half the characters hide beneath the other characters, which is smaller than the text surrounding it is shown with the help of it. The <small> element is the opposite of the big element as the use of the <small> element decreases the font size in comparison to the text surrounding it. The <hr /> element is used to create a horizontal rule across a page it is an empty element like that of a <br />.
If you are not familiar with the <br /> tag let me introduce you with the <br /> tag it is basically a line break tag helping you to form line breaks within your webpage to improve the presentation and ease with respect to its structure.
I hope you learned well about presentational elements. In the next blog, we will be learning much more about the phrase elements of HTML. Below are some important articles written by me which further help with HTML.

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