Get All Hyperlinks From Word File In Data Table Using C#

Microsoft Word is an application we use in our day-to-day life. But have you ever thought we could perform some automation using C# in Word Documents? In this article, we will write code to get hyperlinks from the Word Document.

Before we begin with writing the code you should have the following 3 namespaces added to your C# project.

using System;
using System.Data;
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

Step 1

Since we are going to store all the links in a data table we will start with creating a data table and adding one column to it.

DataTable dtHyperlinks = new DataTable();

Step 2

In this step, we will create objects for  initializing Word Application, Document,

string FilePath = "Add your word file path here";

Word.Application wApp = new Word.Application(); -> This line of code is create an instance of Word Application.
Word.Document wDoc = wApp.Documents.Open(FileName: FilePath); -> This line of code is create an instance of Word Document.

FilePath is a string variable we have created that will store the file path from which we have to extract the hyperlinks.

Step 3

Now we will create a Hyperlinks object and store the get the hyperlinks in the document using the document object.

Layman's explanation of this step - We need hyperlinks from a document right? So we will use the document object and get hyperlinks using the hyperlink Object.

Word.Hyperlinks wLinks = wDoc.Hyperlinks; -> with this line of code we will get all the hyperlinks in the wLinks object.

Step 4

Now we have all the hyperlinks in the wLinks object so we will iterate through it and add rows in our data table dtHyperlinks,

for (int i = 1; i <= wLinks.Count; i++) {
    string c = wLinks[i].Address; - > here we are getting the address from the hyerplink fetched

But wait never forget to follow the coding best practices so let's write few lines to save and close the document also to clear the garbage collection.

wApp.Options.WarnBeforeSavingPrintingSendingMarkup = false;
wDoc.Save(); -> saving the document
wDoc.Close(); -> closing the document

Final Code

DataTable dtHyperlinks = new DataTable();
Word.Application wApp = new Word.Application();
Word.Document wDoc = wApp.Documents.Open(FileName: FilePath);
Word.Hyperlinks wLinks = wDoc.Hyperlinks;
for (int i = 1; i <= wLinks.Count; i++) {
    string c = wLinks[i].Address;
wApp.Options.WarnBeforeSavingPrintingSendingMarkup = false;

That's it, with just a few lines of code we are now able to extract all the hyperlinks from a Word Document and store them in DataTable.

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