Fixing Race Condition with Locking Mechanism in C# Multithreading


A race condition is a situation that occurs when two or more threads or processes access shared data or resources concurrently, and the outcome of the operations depends on the timing or order of execution. These conditions can lead to unexpected and erroneous behavior in your program. Race conditions can be challenging to detect and debug since they are not always consistent and may only occur under specific circumstances.

In Simple words, A race condition is a situation that happens when two or more things (like computer programs or parts of a program) are trying to do something at the same time, and the final result depends on the order in which they finish. It's like a "race" between different parts of the program, and the winner gets to determine the final outcome, which can sometimes lead to unexpected or incorrect results.

Key points about race conditions in C#

  • Concurrency: Race conditions occur in multi-threaded or concurrent programming scenarios when multiple threads access shared data or resources simultaneously.
  • Unpredictable Behavior: Race conditions can lead to unpredictable and erroneous behavior in the program. The outcome depends on the relative timing of thread execution.
  • Non-Deterministic: Race conditions are non-deterministic, meaning they might not always manifest themselves and can be difficult to reproduce consistently.
  • Shared Resources: Race conditions typically happen when two or more threads access shared resources, such as variables, objects, or files, without proper synchronization.
  • Critical Sections: Critical sections refer to the parts of the code where shared resources are accessed. It's essential to properly synchronize access to these sections to avoid race conditions.
  • Synchronization Mechanisms: To prevent race conditions, synchronization mechanisms like locks (using lock keyword), semaphores, mutexes, and other concurrent data structures are used to ensure exclusive access to shared resources.
  • Deadlocks: While trying to prevent race conditions, improper use of synchronization mechanisms can lead to deadlocks, where threads are blocked indefinitely, waiting for each other.
  • Testing and Debugging: Race conditions can be challenging to detect and debug because they often depend on timing and are not consistent across executions.
  • Performance Impact: Excessive use of locking mechanisms can lead to reduced performance due to contention between threads for shared resources.
  • Best Practices: Proper design, avoiding shared resources whenever possible, and careful use of synchronization mechanisms are essential to mitigate race conditions and ensure the correctness of concurrent C# programs.

The output of this program is non-deterministic due to the potential race condition introduced by the shared resource (sharedValue). The final sharedValue will vary from run to run, and the program may produce different results each time it is executed.

Example of Multithreaded Increment of Shared Value with  Race Condition.

//The final sharedValue will vary from run to run, and the program may produce different results each time it is executed.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    // The sharedValue variable represents a value that will be accessed and modified by multiple threads.
    static int sharedValue = 0;

    static void Main()
        // Create two threads that will increment the sharedValue.
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(IncrementSharedValue);
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(IncrementSharedValue);

        // Start the threads.

        // Wait for both threads to complete their execution.

        // Print the final value of the sharedValue after both threads have finished.
        Console.WriteLine("Final sharedValue: " + sharedValue);

    static void IncrementSharedValue()
        // Simulate some processing delay (small or no delay)
        // Uncomment the line below to introduce a race condition
        // Thread.Sleep(0);

        // The following loop increments the sharedValue by 1, and it will be executed by multiple threads simultaneously.
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            // Read the current value of sharedValue.
            int currentValue = sharedValue;

            // Increment the value.

            // Write the updated value back to sharedValue.
            sharedValue = currentValue;

The race condition arises because multiple threads might read the same value of sharedValue, increment it, and write it back. As a result, some increments might be lost, and the final sharedValue might be lower than the expected result.To avoid race conditions and ensure correct results, we should use synchronization techniques like locks or other thread-safe mechanisms

Example of Multithreaded Increment of Shared Value with  Fix Race Condition issue.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    // The sharedValue variable represents a value that will be accessed and modified by multiple threads.
    static int sharedValue = 0;

    // The lockObject is used as a mutual exclusion lock to protect the critical section from race conditions.
    static object lockObject = new object();

    static void Main()
        // Create two threads that will increment the sharedValue.
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(IncrementSharedValue);
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(IncrementSharedValue);

        // Start the threads.

        // Wait for both threads to complete their execution.

        // Print the final value of the sharedValue after both threads have finished.
        Console.WriteLine("Final sharedValue: " + sharedValue);

    static void IncrementSharedValue()
        // Simulate some processing delay (small or no delay)
        // Uncomment the line below to introduce a race condition

        // The following loop increments the sharedValue by 1, and it will be executed by multiple threads simultaneously.
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            // Lock the critical section to prevent race condition.
            // By using a lock, only one thread can enter this section at a time, ensuring exclusive access to the sharedValue.
            lock (lockObject)
                // Read the current value of sharedValue.
                int currentValue = sharedValue;

                // Increment the value.

                // Write the updated value back to sharedValue.
                sharedValue = currentValue;

To prevent race conditions, we use a lock to protect the critical section of the code. The lockObject is used as a mutual exclusion lock. When a thread encounters a lock statement, it checks if the lock is available. If it is available, the thread acquires the lock and enters the critical section. If the lock is already held by another thread, the current thread waits until the lock is released by the other thread.


A race condition occurs when multiple threads access shared data or resources concurrently, and the outcome depends on the timing or order of execution. This can lead to unpredictable and erroneous behavior in the program. In simple terms, it's like a "race" between different parts of the program, where the winner determines the final outcome.

To fix the race condition in the provided C# multithreaded program, a lock is used as a mutual exclusion mechanism to protect the critical section where the shared resource (sharedValue) is accessed and modified. This ensures that only one thread can access the critical section at a time, preventing race conditions and ensuring correct results.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this post has helped provide you with a better understanding of Race Conditions and Preventing Race conditions. 

"Keep coding, keep innovating, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible!

Happy Coding !!!

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