We are together again after a long time, I hope I will write more often from now on.
Today, I will try to tell you why the problem of blank pages after accessing the Exchange Server management and OWA console occurs in Exchange Server 2013 & 2016 environments and how you can solve it.
Exchange 2013/2016/2019 EAC (ECP) and OWA blank page error and its solution
When you experience this problem, your user access to your mail servers will probably be cut off. Outlook and Mobile Clients will not be able to connect to your mail servers.
When you log in to the Exchange Server Admin Center / ECP "https: // exchangeserver / ecp" and user mail page / OWA "https: // exchangeserver / owa", you will see a blank page like the picture below.
![Fixing Blank Page Issue in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013/2016/2019 EA]()
The reason for this problem is that the SSL certificate, which was created by our Exchange Server servers when it was first installed, and used for communication between servers on port 444, was either renewed or deleted in some way, and the connection settings of this port with a new or valid current date were not re-made.
For the solution to the problem
Make a connection to your Exchange Server server with an administrator account.
- Let's open IIS Manager.
- Select the site named Exchange Server \ Sites \ Exchange Back End.
- After selecting our site named Exchange Back End, let's click on the Bindings option under the Actions section on the right of the screen.
- Let's select "https" (Port should be 444, please pay attention to this) from the ports under Site Bindings and click the Edit button on the right.
On the screen that appears, the SSL certificate part will probably appear asNot selected as in the picture below.
- Press the down arrow button in the SSL certificate section and select our current version certificate named “Microsoft Exchange” or “MS Exchange” and confirm this change with OK.
If you are having this question due to the deletion of the certificate in the reasons for the problem I listed above, you will not be able to see the local certificate named Microsoft Exchange or MS Exchange in this menu, then you can select the valid certificate received and approved from the outside and put it into use.
If you try to access the Exchange Admin panel (EAC) and OWA after this process, you can observe that the problem has been resolved.
I hope this will be useful.