Event Bubbling And Event Capturing


In HTML, DOM elements are nested inside each other. Sometimes, we need to fire an event from parent elements to child or child to parent in the nested elements. Event bubbling and capturing are the concepts in JavaScript for understand, how to fire an event from parent to child or child to parent.
Event Bubbling
Sometimes, parent element event handler also executes, even if we click on child element.
For example, In the example, given below, "a" tag event handler executes, even if we click on "p" tag.
  1. <a onclick="alert('hi')">  
  2.    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>  
  3. </a>  
That’s because an event bubbles from the nested tag up and triggers the parent. In the above case, first inner most element event is called, followed by calling parent event. Thus, we call bubbling order like bubbles of air in the water.
Stopping Event Bubbling
The bubbling goes right to the top. When an event occurs on an element - it will bubble up to <HTML>, triggering handlers are on its way.
A handler may decide that an event is fully processed and stop the bubbling.
The code is given below-
for IE < 9
event.cancelBubble = true
Event Capturing
In Event Capturing, an event is executed in parent to child element.
  1. <a onclick="alert('hi')">  
  2.    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>  
  3. </a>  
In the example, stated above, If we want to execute "a" tag event handler first. We need to do event capturing on the element.
All the methods of event handling ignore the capturing phase. Using addEventListener with the last argument true is only the way to catch the event at capturing.
  1. elem.addEventListener( type, handler, phase )  
  2. phase = true  
The handler is set on the capturing phase.
phase = false
The handler is set on the bubbling phase.
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