Efficient Error Logging in C#/.NET: Using CSV Files


Error handling is a critical aspect of software development, ensuring that developers can identify and address issues effectively. In C#/.NET applications, logging errors is a common practice, providing insights into system failures and helping developers debug issues efficiently. In this guide, we'll explore two popular methods for error logging in C#/.NET: using CSV files and leveraging the log4net library where we learn to create as well as update CSV files at the same time. Let's dive in!

Solution Overview

Error logging in CSV files encompasses two wildly used methods:

  1. Log4Net (2.0.15)
  2. CsvHelper (31.0.4)

1. Log4Net

The log4net library stands as a robust logging framework within the .NET ecosystem, offering advanced features for error handling. Below is a detailed exploration of leveraging log4net for error logging in C#/.NET applications for different types of files.

Step 1. Install log4net Package

Before proceeding, ensure that you have the log4net package installed in your C#/.NET project. If not, you can install it via NuGet Package Manager or using the Package Manager Console with the command: Install-Package log4net or goto Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution, and search for "Log4Net" (version 2.0.15).

Step 2. Define the LogData Method

Create a method named LogData with parameters for SPCandidateID, ErrorMessage, SPListName, SPListItemID, and DBTableName. This method will handle the logging of error data to a CSV file.


public void LogData(string ID, string ErrorMessage, string Name, string DBTableName)
    // Define the file path
    string filePath = "error_data.csv";
    string ErrorMessageFormatted = ErrorMessage.Replace(",", "_");
    // Write or append data to the CSV file
    using (StreamWriter writer = System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) ? System.IO.File.AppendText(filePath) : new StreamWriter(filePath))
        // If the file is newly created, write the headers
        if (writer.BaseStream.Position == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("New file created");

        // Write the rows with the provided values

    Console.WriteLine($"CSV file '{filePath}' has been updated or created.");

Step 3. Define File Path and Process Error Message

  • Define the file path where the error data will be logged. In this example, we'll use "error_data.csv" as the file name. Additionally, replace any commas in the error message with underscores to ensure proper CSV formatting. this file can be found inside 

    While running in Visula Studio = "(Folder directory):\(Folder Name)\(Solution Name)\(Project Name)\bin\Debug\net6.0\Logs".


    After Deploying  = "(folder Name)\Logs".

Step 4. Open or Create the CSV File

  • Use a StreamWriter to either open the existing CSV file for appending or create a new file if it doesn't exist.

Step 5. Write Headers if File is Newly Created

  • Check if the file is newly created (i.e. if the stream position is at the beginning). If so, write the headers containing column names: "ID, ErrorMessage,SPName, SPID, DBTableName".

Step 6. Write Error Data to CSV

  • Write the error data to the CSV file, including the provided parameters: SPCandidateID, ErrorMessage, SPListName, SPListItemID, and DBTableName. Ensure proper CSV formatting by separating values with commas.

Step 7. Display Confirmation Message

  • Output a message confirming that the CSV file has been updated or created, specifying the file path.


    // Your code that might throw an exception
catch (Exception ex)
    // Log the error using LogData method
    LogData("1", ex.Message, "Main", "error_table");

    // Handle the exception or perform additional logging/reporting
    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);

2. CsvHelper

Utilizing the CSV NuGet package provides a convenient and efficient means of logging errors in C#/.NET applications. Here's a step-by-step breakdown.

Step 1. Install CsvHelper NuGet Package

  • Begin by installing the CSV NuGet package in your C#/.NET project. This package provides functionalities to work with CSV files seamlessly, allowing easy logging of error data. Install-Package log4net or goto Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution, and search for "CsvHelper" (version 2.0.15).

Step 2. Define the csvGenerator Method

  • Create a method named csvGenerator that accepts parameters such as SPCandidateID, ErrorMessage, SPListName, SPListItemID, and DBTableName. This method will handle the logging of error data to the CSV file.


public void csvGenerator(string ID, string ErrorMessage, string Name, string DBTableName)
    // Define the file path
    string filePath = "error_data.csv";

    // Write or append data to the CSV file
    using (StreamWriter writer = System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) ? System.IO.File.AppendText(filePath) : new StreamWriter(filePath))
        // If the file is newly created, write the headers
        if (writer.BaseStream.Position == 0)
            // Write column headers

        // Write the rows with the provided values

    // Confirm file update or creation
    Console.WriteLine($"CSV file '{filePath}' has been updated or created.");

Step 3. Define File Path

  • Define the file path where the error data will be logged. In this example, we'll use "error_data.csv" as the file name. This path will be used to create or append to the CSV file.

Step 4. Open or Create the CSV File

  • Use a StreamWriter to either open the existing CSV file for appending or create a new file if it doesn't exist. This ensures that the error data is written to the CSV file without overwriting existing data.

Step 5. Write Headers if File is Newly Created

  • Check if the file is newly created by verifying if the stream position is at the beginning. If so, write the headers containing column names: "SPCandidateID,ErrorMessage,SPListName,SPListItemID,DBTableName". This step ensures the proper organization of data in the CSV file.

Step 6. Write Error Data to CSV

  • Write the error data to the CSV file, including the provided parameters: SPCandidateID, ErrorMessage, SPListName, SPListItemID, and DBTableName. Ensure proper CSV formatting by separating values with commas.

Step 7. Display Confirmation Message

  • Output a message confirming that the CSV file has been updated or created, specifying the file path. This message provides feedback to the user or developer about the success of the logging operation.


    // Your code that might throw an exception
catch (Exception ex)
    // Log the error using LogData method
    csvGenerator("1", ex.Message, "Main", "error_table");

    // Handle the exception or perform additional logging/reporting
    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);


Both CSV files and log4net offer effective solutions for error logging in C#/.NET applications, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. CSV files provide simplicity and ease of implementation, making them suitable for smaller projects or scenarios where external dependencies are limited. On the other hand, log4net offers advanced features such as configurable logging levels, log rotation, and centralized logging, making it ideal for larger and more complex applications. Choose the method that best fits your project requirements and implement it following the guidelines provided in this blog. Happy blogging!

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