EasyQuiz is a quiz application project in ASP.NET Core MVC 5.0 which will help us to learn and implement the features in Real-World Applications.
- Visual Studio 2019
- SQL Server 2019
- .NET Core SDK 5.0
NuGet packages used in this project
Configure and run the project
- Clone the complete code from Github
- Open solution Quiz-Application.sln in Visual Studio 2019
- Create a new database
- Make Changes in Connection Strings in the appsettings.json file to connect the database
- Run the ‘Update-Database’ command in Package Manager Console to create the tables inside the database.
- Build the solution which will restore all NuGet Packages
- Run Database Script which is provided
- Run Quiz-Application.Web Project
Database Structure
The structure of the database is very simple. The result table holds the information for the people taking the test.
Folder Structure
Quiz-Application.Web is the main ASP.NET Core project and Quiz-Application.Services contain all Entities. It is also used to access the database and write business logic. Quiz-Application.Services project can be accessed in Quiz-Application.Web project.
Record the Session
WebRTC is used here to record the entire quiz session. Captured Session is stored in a folder.
Generate Score Report (PDF)
DinkToPdf library is used here which uses Webkit engine to convert HTML to PDF for creating the Score Report.
public async Task<IActionResult> CreatePDF(ReqCertificate argPDFRpt)
ResPDF obj = null;
string html = await _result.GetCertificateString(argPDFRpt);
string UploadFolder = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "UploadedFiles/Report");
string UniqueFileName = argPDFRpt.CandidateID + "_Certificate.pdf";
string UploadPath = Path.Combine(UploadFolder, UniqueFileName);
var globalSettings = new GlobalSettings
ColorMode = ColorMode.Color,
Orientation = Orientation.Landscape,
PaperSize = PaperKind.A4,
Margins = new MarginSettings { Top = 10, Bottom = 10 },
Out = UploadPath
var objectSettings = new ObjectSettings
PagesCount = true,
HtmlContent = html,
WebSettings = { DefaultEncoding = "utf-8" },
var htmlToPdfDocument = new HtmlToPdfDocument()
GlobalSettings = globalSettings,
Objects = { objectSettings },
obj = new ResPDF();
obj.IsSuccess = true;
obj.Path = "/UploadedFiles/Report/" + UniqueFileName;
catch (Exception ex)
obj.IsSuccess = false;
obj.Path = null;
throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
return Json(obj);
Please note that W3.CSS is a standard CSS only and used here to make this application responsive and mobile-friendly.