Easy Way To Access SaaS Applications From Azure Market Place

There are a lot of SaaS applications added in the Microsoft Azure marketplace. Microsoft Graph API provides us the options to access those applications through the REST API.
Easy Way To Access SaaS Applications From Azure Market Place
This post provides the steps to access all the applications which are associated with Azure Active Directory using a single API call.
  • Navigate to Microsoft graph Explorer https://aka.ms/ge
  • Select Get as the request method
  • Select v1.0 in version dropdown
  • Enter the below Graph API URL in the url text box


  • There is no need of specific permission required for this call
  • At present, API returns the 3719 application templates in an array. The request call provides the array of each application in the below format
  1. {  
  2.             "id""ad32d330-93a3-4d5a-bee1-7b03c8ce224f",  
  3.             "displayName""&frankly",  
  4.             "homePageUrl""https://www.andfrankly.com",  
  5.             "supportedSingleSignOnModes": [  
  6.                 "saml",  
  7.                 "external"  
  8.             ],  
  9.             "supportedProvisioningTypes": [],  
  10.             "logoUrl""https://az495088.vo.msecnd.net/app-logo/andfrankly_215.png",  
  11.             "categories": [  
  12.                 "businessMgmt",  
  13.                 "humanResources"  
  14.             ],  
  15.             "publisher""Andfrankly Pulse AB",  
  16.             "description""&frankly is an innovative way to keep track of and drive employee engagement in your organization, through quick, pulsed questions and actionable insights."  
  17.         }  
We can also use the Microsoft graph API to add these applications to our tenant. 
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