![Azure DevOPS]()
I got the below error while importing Dynamics CRM Solution via Azure DevOps Pipeline.
![Dynamics CRM]()
2024-12-18T23:14:20.4630775Z ]
2024-12-18T23:14:20.7482721Z ##[error]error: 1
2024-12-18T23:14:20.7495542Z ##[error]failed: Connected as ***
Connected to… D365 Production
Sorry, the app encountered a non-recoverable error and will need to terminate.
The exception details have been captured and will be forwarded
to the development team, if telemetry has been enabled.
Session Id: ca4d4ca3-b1c0-410d-8441-4817313f4eb3, Exception Type: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException
The diagnostic logs can be found at:
2024-12-18T23:14:23.6320357Z [ ‘Authentication profiles and token cache removed’ ]
2024-12-18T23:14:24.6264565Z [
2024-12-18T23:14:24.6264928Z ‘The Clear Authentication Result:
Authentication profiles and token cache removed’
2024-12-18T23:14:24.6265143Z ]
2024-12-18T23:14:24.6483875Z ##[error]Error: Connected as ***
Connected to… D365 Production
This was working fine in all the Environments but not in a Production environment.
In the above error, I have seen that something is wrong with the JSON.
Exception Type: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.
In the release pipeline, I have configured the Deployment Settings JSON file, along with the solution import.
![Deployment Settings]()
I checked the Deployment Settings JSON file; there was a syntax error, and a comma is missing in the connection references.
![Syntax error]()
I added the comma to the JSON file and the error was fixed.
Ran the Pipeline again. The issue was resolved, and the CRM solution was imported successfully.
I hope you understand this issue and resolve it.
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