Use Of Check Box In PowerApps For Making Two Address Same


When you fill out a registration form, or any form which is used to register your personal data, one of the compulsory fields you will get is Address.
Basically, the address field has two types:
  1. Correspondence Address
  2. Permanent Address
Create an app using PowerApps, then create a new screen where you can display both Correspondence Address & Permanent Address. If you have the same name for both addresses, then you don't need to type both addresses. Therefore, you will have to create a solution using PowerApps.
In this article, I am going to explain the steps to use a Checkbox to display the same address as another adress. 
In the above image, I created a screen using Power Apps. Here, I have used some Labels for the name of the Address input and a textbox for input. In the left pane, I have renamed the Labels and Textbox with a meaningful name. 


Step 1
Insert a CheckBox: On the top of the gear, you will find Insert, then Input and in the dropdown of Input you will find Checkbox. Select the checkbox and place it under the Permanent Address.
Now set the property of CheckBox,
Text: "Click if same with Correspondence Address" 
Step 2
Set the Default property of all the textboxes for the Permanent Address(PA) as the Correspondence Address(CA)
Default. Apartment(PA) = 'Apartment CA'
Default. Street(PA)= 'Street CA'
Default. City(PA)= 'City(CA)'
Default. Country(PA) ='Country(CA)'
Default. Pincode(PA) = 'Pincode(CA)'
Step 3
After this, when I play the Power Apps and type the correspondence address, it will automatically display the Permanent Address.
Step 4
However, my aim here is that when I click on the checkbox, then the Permanent Address will be the same as the correspondence address.

Similarly, set the default Property of the other Address fields.  
Default. Apartment(PA) = If(Checkbox1.Value,'Apartment CA'.Text) 
Default. Street(PA)=If(Checkbox1.Value,'Street CA'.Text)
Default. City(PA)= If(Checkbox1.Value,'City CA'.Text)
Default. Country(PA) =If(Checkbox1.Value,'Country CA'.Text)
Default. Pincode(PA) =If(Checkbox1.Value,'Pincode CA'.Text) 
When the checkbox is not clicked, the Permanent Address is not displayed. When clicked, the Permanent Address will be displayed.
It will be displayed in the following images:  


In this article, I explained how to use a Checkbox to display the Address, which can be used to register a form using PowerApps. In my next article, I will explain how to update the TextInput & Checkbox Input in a Share Point List 
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed reading!!! 
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