Different Types Of Clauses In SQL Server


SQL is a language for managing data in the database. It's used for inserting, updating, deleting, and querying data. SQL is one of the most common languages used by database developers. 

SQL clauses are divided into several types, each with a different role.

  1. SELECT – Selects the records from the table
  2. WHERE – Filters out unwanted records that don't meet certain conditions
  3. GROUP BY – Groups similar rows into groups based on one or more columns.
  4. HAVING – Filters out groups whose aggregate value is not above or below some specified value.
  5. ORDER BY – Orders the resultset by one or more columns in ascending order (ASC) or descending order (DESC).

A clause can be used with joins. Let's see this with an example.

Step 1. Create database tables

Open SQL Server and create three tables as below.

Employee Table

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee](  
    [EmployeeId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  
    [Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,  
    [Gender] [char](10) NULL,  
    [Position] [nvarchar](50) NULL,  
    [Salary] [int] NULL,  
    [Department_Id] [int] NULL,  
    [Incentive_Id] [int] NULL,  
    [EmployeeId] ASC  

Department Table

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Department](  
    [DepartmentId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  
    [DepartmentName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,  
    [DepartmentId] ASC  

Incentive Table

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Incentive](  
    [IncentiveId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  
    [IncentiveAmount] [int] NULL,  
    [IncentiveId] ASC  

Step 2. Add data to tables

Insert the values in tables, like I have done using the following queries.

insert into Employee values('Anisha Agarwal','Female','Sales Excutive',30000,6,3)  
insert into Employee values('Manish Agarwal','Male','Accountant',40000,1,6)  
insert into Employee values('Fayaz Ansari','Male','UI Developer',50000,3,8)  
insert into Employee values('Rahul Sharma','Male','Software Engineer',45000,3,8)  
insert into Employee values('Abdul Rahim','Male','HR',30000,3,5)  
insert into Employee values('Arvind Kumar','Male','HR',32000,3,5)  
insert into Employee values('Priya Jain','Female','Marketing',25000,4,4)  
insert into Employee values('Zoya','Female','Sales Excutive',30000,6,3)  
insert into Employee values('Monika Agarwal','Female','Marketing',25000,4,4)  
insert into Employee values('Suresh Kumar','Male','Assistant',20000,null,4)  
insert into Department values('Accountant')  
insert into Department values('HR')  
insert into Department values('IT')  
insert into Department values('Markeing')  
insert into Department values('Payroll')  
insert into Department values('Sales')  
insert into Incentive values(1000)  
insert into Incentive values(2000)  
insert into Incentive values(3000)  
insert into Incentive values(4000)  
insert into Incentive values(5000)  
insert into Incentive values(6000)  
insert into Incentive values(7000)  
insert into Incentive values(8000)  
insert into Incentive values(9000)  
insert into Incentive values(10000)  

Different types of clauses used in SQL

Different types of SQL clauses are WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY.

WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause in SQL defines the condition to extract and display only those records that fulfill the given situation.


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition

select Name,Salary from Employee where salary=(select MAX(Salary) as 'Highest Salary' from Employee) 
select Name,Salary from Employee where salary between 20000 and 50000  
select EmployeeId,Name,Salary,DepartmentName from Employee  
join Department  
on Employee.Department_Id=Department.DepartmentId  
where DepartmentName='IT'   


The GROUP BY clause is used with a SELECT statement to group the results of the executed query using the value specified. It matches the value with the column name in tables and groups the end result accordingly.


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name

How to get the total salary of the department

select SUM(Salary) as 'Department Total Salary',DepartmentName from Employee  
join Department  
on Employee.Department_Id=Department.DepartmentId   
group by DepartmentName  

How to get the total number of employees in the department

select COUNT(EmployeeId) as 'Total Employee',DepartmentName from Employee  
join Department  
on Employee.Department_Id=Department.DepartmentId   
group by DepartmentName  

Different Types Of Clause In SQL Server

HAVING clause

The HAVING clause is used in association with the GROUP BY clause. It is applied to each group of results or the entire result as a single group, and it is much similar to a WHERE clause. The only difference is that you cannot use it without a GROUP BY clause.


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name HAVING condition.

select COUNT(EmployeeId) as 'Total Employee',DepartmentName from Employee  
join Department  
on Employee.Department_Id=Department.DepartmentId   
group by DepartmentName   
having COUNT(EmployeeId)>=1  

Different Types Of Clause In SQL Server

ORDER BY clause

The ORDER BY clause defines the order of the query output in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. Ascending (ASC) is the default, but descending (DESC) is set explicitly.


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition ORDER BY column_name ASC|DESC

Order by Ascending

select EmployeeId,Name,Salary,DepartmentName,IncentiveAmount from Employee  
join Department  
on Employee.Department_Id=Department.DepartmentId  
join Incentive  
on Employee.Incentive_Id=Incentive.IncentiveId  
order by Name ASC  

Different Types Of Clause In SQL Server

Order by descending

select EmployeeId,Name,Salary,DepartmentName,IncentiveAmount from Employee  
join Department  
on Employee.Department_Id=Department.DepartmentId  
join Incentive  
on Employee.Incentive_Id=Incentive.IncentiveId  
order by Name DESC  

Different Types Of Clause In SQL Server


In this blog, we learned about clauses in SQL. We saw how to use WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses in SQL.

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