Deploying a Web Application using Azure App Service


  • Introduce the concept of Azure App Service as a platform for deploying web applications.
  • Highlight the benefits of App Service, including scalability, automatic OS updates, and managed infrastructure.

Step 1. Create an Azure App Service

  • Create an Azure App Service instance using the Azure portal or Azure CLI.
  • Choose the appropriate runtime stack, such as Node.js, .NET, Python, etc.
    Bash az webapp create --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyAppService --plan MyPlan --runtime "NODE|14-lts"
    PowerShell New-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName MyResourceGroup -Name MyAppService -AppServicePlan MyPlan -Runtime "NODE|14-lts"

Step 2. Deploying the Web Application

  • Connect the web application's source code repository to the Azure App Service instance.
  • Set up deployment options, including Continuous Deployment from GitHub.
    Bash az webapp deployment source config --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyAppService --repository-url --branch master --manual-integration
    PowerShell Set-AzWebAppSourceControl -ResourceGroupName MyResourceGroup -Name MyAppService -RepositoryUrl -Branch master -ManualIntegration

Step 3. Configuring Custom Domains and SSL

  • Configure custom domains for the web application.
  • Enable SSL/TLS certificates for secure communication.

Step 4. Scaling and Load Management

  • Configure autoscaling rules to handle varying traffic loads.
  • Implement Azure Traffic Manager for distributing traffic across different regions.

Step 5. Monitoring and Diagnostics

  • Set up Azure Application Insights to monitor application performance and detect issues.
  • Configure logging and diagnostics for better troubleshooting.


The process of deploying a web application using Azure App Service. Encourage readers to leverage App Service for efficient and hassle-free web application deployment.

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