Data Governance And SharePoint Document Security

What tools does Microsoft provide within Office 365 and SharePoint to build a Data Governance Policy?

  1. Permissions
    You can control who can access, edit, download, share, move, delete, or otherwise interact with different pieces of data.

  2. FileSharing
    How and what you allow to be “shared” within and outside the organization.

  3. ManagedMetadata
    You can easily tag files according to categories, departments, file types, and other identifying information. You can then use it to find the data you need.

  4. Retention and Deletion Policies,
    • You can create workflows that archive files to different locations after they pass a certain date.
    • You can set up retention timelines.
    • You can arrange deletion dates.
  1. InactiveMailboxes
    Regulations and business requirements may require retaining their mailboxes for a fixed period of time.

  2. Importing
    Microsoft makes it easy to pull data from multiple online and offline locations—such as servers, Office 365, SharePoint, OneDrive, or third-party applications such as Dropbox—into one central repository.

  3. SecurityTemplates and Monitoring
    Office365 has security templates that can be activated in order to scan all documents for critical data like Social Security Numbers, Driver’s License Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, Bank Account Numbers, etc. All of these templates can then be assigned sharing and digital rights management rules to mitigate data leakage, improper sharing for a company and personal information, route communications flagged by your rules for manual review and classification.
Using these features and others will help maximize the security of your files.

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