There are some basic CSS properties, which everyone must be aware of to start working with CSS. We will have a look into the properties here.
What is CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a set of properties, which explains the look & feel of HTML elements in a screen.
CSS properties can be written in external style sheets, internal style sheets or as inline styles.
- External style sheets is a CSS file, where you can manage all the styles for any element you want.
- Internal style sheets are the styles written within in HTML page inside the style tag.
- Inline styles are the styles specific to HTML element, which is written inside style attribute of the element.
While using external & internal style sheets, CSS properties can be assigned to HTML elements by means of HTML tags or by using class or Id attributes.
- <div class="cssbeginner" id="cssbeginnerid"></div>
In the HTML element, given above, cssbeginner is the class and cssbeginnerid is the Id for the particular div tag.
Now, we can give CSS property to div tag.
- Using tag - div{display:block;} // This will result in applying the property to all div tags
- or
- Using class - .cssbeginner{display:block;} //This will give style to all elements with class as cssbeginner
- or
- Using id - #cssbeginnerid{display:block;} //This will give style to unique element having id cssbeginnerid
The style, shown above can be written in inline block, as given below.
- <div class="cssbeginner" id="cssbeginnerid" style="display:block;"></div>
Now, we will see what are the basic CSS properties, which can be applied to HTML element. - Font-family
This defines the font for HTML element.
- cssbeginner{font-family:'Arial';}
- Font-size
This defines the size of a font. It is usually expressed in pixels(px). We can also give it in percent(%), points(pt) or ems(em).
- cssbeginner{font-size:13px;}
- Display
Display is an important property, which manages the layout of HTML elements. It can be used to specify whether an element has to be shown or not.
- cssbeginner{display:block;}
Other important values for display are none, inline, inline-block etc.
- Width
It is used to set the width of HTML element. It is normally expressed in pixels(px) or percents(%).
- cssbeginner{width:300px;}
- Height
It is used to set the height of HTML element. It is also expressed in pixels(px) or percents(%).
- cssbeginner{height:300px;}
After providing width & height, our div has been made, which is given below.
Since we reduced the element width, the text inside the element is split into the rows.
- Color
This defines the color of text inside HTML element.
It can be expressed as a color name or as HEX value or as RGB value.
- cssbeginner{color:red;}
- or
- cssbeginner{color:#FF0000;}
- or
- cssbeginner{color:#ff0000;}
You will get the list of colors and their respective HEX/RGB values here
- Background-color
This is used to provide backround color for HTML element.
This is also expressed as a color name or as HEX value or as RGB value.
- .cssbeginner{background-color:black;}
- or
- .cssbeginner{background-color:#000000;}
- or
- .cssbeginner{background-color:#000000;}
- Border
This property is used to give style to the border of an html element.
It is is an mix of border-style, border-width & border-color property.
Border-style can have values as dotted, dashed, solid, etc.
Border-width can be expressed as pixels or percent
Border-color can be color name, HEX value or RGB value.
- .cssbeginner{border:solid 2px yellow;}
- Padding
This property is used to provide space around HTML elements.
It will clear space inside the border of HTML element and hence the background-color will be available for this cleared space also.
- .cssbeginner{padding:20px;}
Padding can be given separately for top, right, bottom & left.
- .cssbeginner{padding-top:20px;}
- .cssbeginner{padding-right:30px;}
- .cssbeginner{padding-bottom:40px;}
- .cssbeginner{padding-left:50px;}
The properties, given above can be combined to a single one, using padding, as given below.
- .cssbeginner{padding:20px 30px 40px 50px;}
- Margin
This property is also used to generate space around HTML elements.
The main difference between the margin & padding is that the margin creates space outside the border of elements.
Hence the background color would not be having effect for the margin space.
- .cssbeginner{margin:50px;}
The margin can also be given separately for top, right, bottom & left.
- .cssbeginner{margin-top:20px;}
- .cssbeginner{margin-right:30px;}
- .cssbeginner{margin-bottom:40px;}
- .cssbeginner{margin-left:50px;}
The properties, given above can be combined to a single one, using margin, as given below.
- .cssbeginner{margin:20px 30px 40px 50px;}
Now, we can give all the 10 properties, given above to a div with class cssbeginner, as given below.
- <style type="text/css">
- .cssbeginner { font-family: 'Arial'; font-size: 13px; display: block; width: 300px; height: 300px; color: Red; background-color: black; border: solid 2px yellow; padding: 20px; margin: 50px; }
- </style>
In this blog, we have learned the most basic and most needed CSS properties, which can be used in HTML element.
Hope, this will be helpful for the beginners.