What is Azure Storage?
- A cloud-based storage service managed by Microsoft for persisting and retrieving data
- In the Azure Portal, it is called a storage account.
- Azure Storage includes Azure Blobs (objects), Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure Files, Azure Queues, and Azure Tables.
Steps to create Azure Storage account
Step 1
Step 2
In the storage accounts page click on Add
Step 3
Fill in the following form:
- Select your Subscription, followed by Resource Group
- Give account Storage Name
- Select location
By default, Account kind is “StorageV2 (General purpose v2)” which come with the below Azure storage services.
- Azure Blob
- Azure Files
- Azure Queues
- Azure Tables
Read more about account types
Read more about Tiers
Step 4
Once you click on review you can see following screen. Here users can setup accessibility for storage accounts, like virtual network or any private end point. Leave it as default selected value – Public end point.
Step 5
Now we are not changing any setting in Advanced and Tags tab. Once the user clicks on Review + Create Azure will run a quick validation for all the settings and if we see Validation passed message we are good to go. Click on Create button
We can see the following screen once our resource is ready to use
We can see the service listed in the overview section of our storage account