Creating A Release Definition In VSO

Step 1

Open VSO, go to Builds and Releases

Step 2 

Click on Release Tab 


Step 3 

Inside that click on the Plus Icon and then select Create release definition to add a New Release Definition


Step 4

A new menu will appear

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Artifact Section is to add the Build for which we want to create the release definition 

Steps to Add Artifact:

  1. Click on Add artifact (as shown in the above Screenshot)
  2. Select the Source Type
  3. Select the Project where our Build definition Exists
  4. Select the source Build Definition
  5. Click on Add

Add Environment Section is to set up the environment where our web application will be deployed.

  • Click on Add environment (as shown in the above Screenshot)
  • Select a template based on what type of Application we want to deploy and where we want to deploy it.  In our case it will be Azure App Service Deployment. Select that and click on Apply.
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  • Give an appropriate name to the environment in the TextBox Provided
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  • Click on 1 phase, 1 task link as shown in the screenshot below,

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  • A new Screen will appear (similar to the one shown in the below screen shot),
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Select any version from the dropdown provided

Set Connection Type as Azure Resource Manager

Give a suitable display name if required.

To configure this Azure App Service Deployment we need to Configure Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoints.

To do so click on Manage link

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It will take you to a new screen to set up Service Endpoints

Open VSO , go to Settings Icon and Select Services

Click on New Service Endpoint in the top-right corner

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Select Azure Resource manager from the dropdown.

Provide appropriate details in the fields provided and click on OK.

Only the owner of the Azure Subscription can create an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint.

Once the endpoint is created go to Step 5 and provide the  rest of the details related to Azure Subscription and Service.

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Provide the App Service URL and save the release definition.
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