Create Collapsible Sections On SharePoint Modern Pages


During this session, we will learn, how we can create Collapsible sections in Modern SharePoint Pages. This new feature has just rolled out! So, let’s get started! The below screen shows the outcome.

Step 1

Edit your SharePoint Modern Page and click on Edit Icon for the section you want to make collapsible.

Step 2

Now, we need to configure, different Properties.

Make this section collapsible Property set to true to make our section collapsible
Section display name Property to show display name for a section.
Show divider line between sections Property to show divider line between two sections. We will turn on the switch.
Expand/collapse icon alignment Property to set alignment for Expand/collapse alignment to Right or Left side. We will set Left.
Default display Property to set default collapsed property for the section. Set turn off for this example!

Step 3

Once the above properties are configured, publish the page and the collapsible section is ready to use. Isn’t that amazing? The output looks like the below screen.


This is how we can make collapsible sections in SharePoint Modern Pages. Isn’t that cool?

Happy SharePointing!!

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