Now let's get started with the following steps:
To create a new CDN profile
Step 1: Sign in to the online Microsoft Azure Portal.
Step 2: In the Jump Bar, click New, then click Media + CDN, and then CDN.
Step 3: In the CDN Profile account blade, specify the desired configuration for the CDN Profileaccount (Name, Location, Resource Group & Pricing tier). Click Create button at the bottom of the screen to create the CDN Profile.
After you click Create, you'll get your new CDN Profile being configured on the dashboard.
Create a new CDN endpoint
In the CDN Endpoint blade, Click the Add Endpoint button.
The Add an Endpoint blade appears. In the Add an Endpoint account blade, specify the desired configuration for the Add an Endpoint account (Name, Origin type, Origin hostname, Origin path, Protocol and Origin port). Click Create button at the bottom of the screen to create the Add an Endpoint.
Click the Add button to create the new endpoint.
Once the endpoint is created, we get list of endpoints for the profile. The list view shows the URL to use to access cached content, as well as the origin domain.