1. Open ssms login in SQL Authentitcation
2. Start the SQL server agent if it is red color turn on like this
3. After starting the sql server agent double-click this agent,create a new job
like this
4. Give name to this job I created name as sampledb_backup
5. Then you can choose which logins you decided to authorise and category also
choose what we needed
6. Go second tab STEPS this for what we performed in the database.
7. Click new and give new name ,then what type of language is to be selected I
am selecting T-SQL
8. After select this you have insert your queries like this or by using open
button you have browse your queries.
9. Then pick advanced button whether you have arrange one more step or finish my
job you have use by this window
10. If job is failure what's next ,you can run other job or quiet the job
11. Also you can save that success or failure in a T-SQL format set path for
12. After complete all this step which login to perform this job ,so you choose
13. Click ok then SCHEDULING tab click that
14. Give the name already you created ,time,occurs,time,date for user options
15. Other three tabs like alerts,notifications,targets is your choice of action
can be perform like sending mails etc.
That's all ,if any modication to be done after save that job
Goto sql server agent->jobs->sampledb_backup->double click then modify it.