If I as a client tell u, I need a custom permission level within minutes what will You Do? Involve more resources to set up custom levels. Here it is a quick way.
First see what kind of permissions you want that custom level to have.
Choose from the following:
- ViewListItems
- AddListItems
- EditListItemsDeleteListItems
- ApproveItems
- OpenItems
- ViewVersions
- DeleteVersions
- CancelCheckout
- ManagePersonalViews
- ManageLists
- ViewFormPages
- Open
- ViewPages
- AddAndCustomizePages
- ApplyThemeAndBorder
- ApplyStyleSheets
- ViewUsageData
- CreateSSCSite
- ManageSubwebs
- CreateGroups
- ManagePermissions
- BrowseDirectories
- BrowseUserInfo
- AddDelPrivateWebParts
- UpdatePersonalWebParts
- ManageWeb
- UseClientIntegration
- UseRemoteAPIs
- ManageAlerts
- CreateAlerts
- EditMyUserInfo
Now here comes the script,
Add the permissions you want to the script.
Powershell Script:
- $site=Get-SPSite "My Site Name Here"
- $web=$site.RootWeb;
- $customPermissionLevel=New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleDefinition
- $customPermissionLevel.Name="Custom Permission in SharePoint"
- $customPermissionLevel.Description="Description: This is a Testing"
- $customPermissionLevel.BasePermissions="EmptyMask,
- ViewListItems,
- AddListItems,
- EditListItems,
- DeleteListItems,
- ApproveItems,
- OpenItems,
- ViewVersions,
- DeleteVersions,
- CancelCheckout,
- ManagePersonalViews,
- ManageLists,
- ViewFormPages,
- ViewPages,
- AddAndCustomizePages,
- ApplyThemeAndBorder,
- ApplyStyleSheets,
- ViewUsageData,
- CreateSSCSite,
- ManageSubwebs,
- CreateGroups,
- ManagePermissions,
- BrowseDirectories,
- BrowseUserInfo,
- AddDelPrivateWebParts,
- UpdatePersonalWebParts,
- ManageWeb,
- UseClientIntegration,
- UseRemoteAPIs,
- ManageAlerts,
- CreateAlerts,
- EditMyUserInfo,
- EnumeratePermissions,
- FullMask"
- $web.RoleDefinitions.Add($customPermissionLevel);
- $web.Dispose()
- $site.Dispose()
- Click on Start > Right click on SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and run as Administrator.
- Paste the above code
- Click enter
- Go to the site > Site Settings> Permission Levels
- You will find the below Custom Permission level Created named “Custom Permissions in SharePoint”
![custom label]()
On clicking on the custom level you will see the below permissions added to the level.
![permissions added to the level]()
![select option]()
Quick isn’t it?
Keep Learning,