This blog may help you to display upcoming events in a calendar using CQWP (Content Query Web Part).
Just consider that I have a requirement to display the upcoming events on my intranet SharePoint home page. So traditionally, what would we do? We would add the calendar app part on the SharePoint page and display the event in a calendar view.
Perhaps, we could display the same event details in a different View on our intranet homepage.
Before stepping into the procedure, we need to add some site columns in the Calendar settings.
Go to the Calendar List Settings -> click on "Add existing site column" -> Add the "Rollup Images" to the calendar column.
Then, create one custom column called Event Date with date and time file types.
After that, create some images using Photoshop with the dimension 100 X 100 by mentioning the date and add those images to the Site Asset to add in the event, as shown below.
Then, let's go back to the calendar and start adding the event. While selecting the rollup images, always prefer to select the Image rendition to 100 X 100.
Here, for test purposes, I have created three events yesterday and another two for the next event which should come in the display on the front page.
Now I am going to the homepage in edit mode to add the Content Query web part for displaying the events in a different View.
Once you add the CQWP, go to Edit web part and follow the below steps.
Select “Show item from the following list” >> click browse >> select the Calendar list.
Filter the item from show items when “Event Date greater than [today]”.
In presentation column, select sort item by “event date” in ascending order.
Then, select group style as Large Text.
Item style should be an image on the left.
Field to display should be like the below image
- Then, click OK and save the page. The final view would be like the below image.