In our previous article, we learned the below details.
- MediatR library and its implementation.
- What is CQRS
- Implement the simple Query Handler using MediatR.
Please refer to the CQRS-Part 1 for more details.
I will be using the same sample project which has been created in the previous article.
For this demo, I have used the below tools
- VS 2022 Community Edition Version 17.4.0 – Preview 2.1
- .NET 6.0
- Swagger/Postman
- MediatR Library
In this tutorial, we are going to discuss how can we implement a Query Handler with input parameters.
In our previous article, we have seen one endpoint “api/Student”, will return the entire students’ details. Now we are going to implement an endpoint “api/Student/{id}” which will return student information based on the student’s id.
To begin with, let us go ahead and add a query class under the folder “Query” as below.
The source can be downloaded from GitHub.
using MediatorDemo.Library.Models;
using MediatR;
namespace MediatorDemo.Library.Queries
public record GetStudentByIdQuery(int id):IRequest<StudentModel>;
Now, let us go ahead and add a Handler GetStudentByIdHandler under “Handler” folder.
using MediatorDemo.Library.Data;
using MediatorDemo.Library.Models;
using MediatorDemo.Library.Queries;
using MediatR;
namespace MediatorDemo.Library.Handlers
public class GetStudentByIdHandler : IRequestHandler<GetStudentByIdQuery, StudentModel>
private readonly IDataRepository _repository;
public GetStudentByIdHandler(IDataRepository repository)
=> (_repository) = (repository);
public Task<StudentModel> Handle(GetStudentByIdQuery request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.FromResult(this._repository.GetStudentById(;
Now let us add an endpoint into the Controller class.
public async Task<StudentModel> Get(int id)
return await _mediator.Send(new GetStudentByIdQuery(id));
We have completed our coding part. Now, is the time to execute the program and see how query with parameter would work.
![CQRS Using MediatR In .NET 6.0]()
Fantastic! We have successfully completed the Query handler with the input parameter. In my upcoming article, I will be explaining the Command Handler using MediatR. Thank you for reading my article. Please leave your comments in the comment box below.