COVID-19 Assessment Bot Development and Deployment


Hi guys, let's explore a way of creating a health care COVID-19 assessment bot using an assessment template provided in the Azure Portal.


This blog contains the steps to create and deploy a COVID-19 assessment healthcare bot from Microsoft for hospitals, corporate offices, families, small-scale to large-scale employees, etc.

Creating a Covid-19 bot Using Microsoft Healthcare Bot 

  • Login into using tenant admin credentials.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment
  • Search for Microsoft Healthcare Bot and select Microsoft Healthcare Bot under Marketplace.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment
  • Enter the name and other required details as per the requirement and click on the “Subscribe” button at the bottom.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • You can see the deployment progress in the Notifications section. Just wait until the bell notification throws a 'Completed' message.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • You will see the below message after a successful deployment.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • Click on Name and it will navigate to below screen.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • Click on “Configure Account” to complete the subscription process. After clicking on the “Configure Account” – It will navigate to the below screen. Please provide the details shown below and click on the Create button.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • It will take a few minutes to create the Bot.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment
  • After the Bot is created, we need to select a template scenario by going to
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment
  • Click on the “Open Scenarios template catalog” and select the COVID-19 Assessment template.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment
  • The following screen will be opened to import the template. Click on the Import Template button.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • After a successful import, it will navigate to the below screen. Please click Exit on the top right. Click Exit in the confirmation window.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • Please click on Channels under Integration in the left side menus. Web Chat and DirectLine were enabled by default.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment
  • Click on View under the Action for Web Chat channel to see the Web Chat Secret and App Secret. Save these values for your future reference.
  • Click on View under the Action for Direct Line channel to see the Direct Line Secret. Save this value for future reference.
  • If you want to enable Microsoft Teams – toggle teams button and click on View to see the Bot Id. Save the Bot Id for your future reference.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment
  • Bot creation and configuration is completed.

Using COVID-19 Microsoft Bot in Teams

  • Open Teams application.
  • Search for the MS Teams associated Assessment Bot Id (saved previously from) in the search box by clicking the New Chat Option. Then under People, the Bot will appear.
  • Click on the Bot and start the conversation by typing the questions.

Deploying & Adding COVID-19 Microsoft Bot as an extension in a SharePoint Online site

  • We have downloaded the DirectLine Bot extension code from Git hub and modified the name of the extension. Link:
  • The extension is compatible with SPFx 1.8.2
  • Install Node.js 10 LTS version
  • Install Visual Studio code editor
  • Install Yeoman and gulp by using the following command

    npm install -g yo gulp

  • Install Yeoman Sharepoint generator by running the following command:

    npm install -g @microsoft/[email protected]

  • Unzip the package file and open the solution in Visual Studio Code. Then open a new Terminal and run the following commands in sequential order:

    npm i
    npm i -g gulp

  • Open your Elements.xml file under sharepoint>assets folder and change the values for <bot name here> with a Bot Name (COVID-19 BOT) and <your secret here> with Directline Secret (saved previously).
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • To get the deployment package file, run the following commands:

    gulp bundle --ship
    gulp package-solution --ship
  • Navigate to solution folder > SharePoint > solution. You will find the .sppkg file. Upload this package in SharePoint App Catalog and deploy it.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • Next, you need to add screenshot for the Appcatalog site
  • After successful deployment, navigate to a SharePoint site where you want to add the Bot and click on 'Add an app' under Settings.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • Search for Covid-19 and click on the App. It will take a few minutes to add to the site.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • Covid-19 Bot tile will be added to the site in the bottom-right area.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 
  • Click on Covid-19 Bot tile – A chat window will be opened with a welcome message. You can start using the BOT service.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment

Deploying Covid-19 Assessment Microsoft Bot in Azure portal

  • Please follow the steps mentioned in the following link. You can ignore the Optional steps.

  • Successful deployment of the URL to the Covid-19 Bot.
COVID-19 Assessment BoT Development And Deployment 

Additional Points

Go back to
Select the BoT.
Edit the Display Name if required.
Click the Hyperlinked Name on the BoT to perform further operations.
You can select 'Clone Option' for reusability
You can also select Users >> Manage >> +New >> Email to add + Role[Administrator, Editor, Reader]>> Create for Assigning Permissions to the New Users to experience the Covid-19 Assessment BoT.
Good luck with your Covid-19 Assessments using this process. Cheers!
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