Converting Enum Types to Strings Using nameof in C#

C# provides various ways to work with enum types, and one common requirement is to convert enum values into their string representations. One straightforward and type-safe method to achieve this is by using the nameof operator. In this blog post, we will explore how to use nameof to convert enum types into strings in C#.

The source code can be downloaded from GitHub.

Understanding Enums in C#

Before diving into using nameof, let's briefly recap what enums are in C#. Enums allow you to define a set of named constant values representing distinct elements or states. For example:

public enum DaysOfWeek

In this example, DaysOfWeek is an enum type with seven named constants.

Converting Enum Values to Strings with nameof

The nameof operator returns the name of a variable, type, or member as a string at compile-time. When applied to enum values, it returns the name of the enum constant. Here's how you can use nameof to convert enum values to strings:

using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using EnumToStringUsingNameof;

Console.WriteLine("Convert enum to String using nameof");
var dayString = nameof(DaysofWeek.Monday);

Console.WriteLine("Convert String to enum using ToString()");
var day = DaysofWeek.Monday;


//Uncomment and validate the benchmark.
//var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<ToStringVsNameofBenchMark>();

In this example, nameof(DaysOfWeek.Monday) returns "Monday"

Benchmarking ToString and nameof

Benchmarking ToString() and nameof() in C# can help us understand their performance characteristics in various scenarios. Here's how you can set up and run a benchmark using the popular benchmarking library, BenchmarkDotNet.

First, you'll need to install the BenchmarkDotNet NuGet package in your project if you haven't already:

Next, create a new class for your benchmark tests:

using BenchmarkDotNet;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;

namespace EnumToStringUsingNameof

    public class ToStringVsNameofBenchMark

        public void ConverToStringUsignNameof()
            var dayString = nameof(DaysofWeek.Monday);

        public void ConvertToStringUsingToString()
            var day = DaysofWeek.Monday;
            var dayString = day.ToString();


In this example, we have created a benchmark class ToStringVsNameOfBenchmark with two benchmark methods, ConverToStringUsignNameof and ConvertToStringUsingToString, which respectively test the performance of nameof() and ToString() for an enum value conversion.

To run the benchmark, build your project, and then execute it in release mode.


Here's a breakdown of the results:

  • ConverToStringUsignNameof: This method, which uses nameof, has a mean execution time of 112.0 microseconds, with a small standard deviation.
  • ConvertToStringUsingToString: This method, which uses ToString, has a slightly longer mean execution time of 117.9 microseconds but still has low standard deviation.

Both methods seem to perform well, and the choice between them should depend on your specific use case and coding preferences.

Here are some considerations:

  • Readability: Using nameof explicitly communicates that you are getting the name of the enum value, which can be beneficial for code clarity.
  • Type Safety: nameof is more type-safe because it operates at compile-time, so if you rename an enum value, it will automatically update the string representation.
  • Performance: As indicated by benchmark results, the performance difference between the two methods is minimal, and it's unlikely to be a significant factor in most applications.

Ultimately, you can choose the method that best fits your coding style and requirements. Both approaches are valid and have their use cases.


BenchmarkDotNet will run the tests multiple times to obtain accurate measurements. Once the benchmark is complete, you'll see a summary with results, including metrics like operations per second, mean, median, etc.

Remember that benchmark results can vary based on factors like the hardware, compiler optimizations, and the specific usage context in your application. Therefore, it's essential to benchmark in the context that matches your real-world scenario.

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