Consuming JWT from Giraffe


Say we have an endpoint that must perform an action only if one has elevated permissions (i.e. delete some entity).
  1. let delete (id: string) =  
  2.     fun (next: HttpFunc) (httpContext : HttpContext) ->  
  3.     let result =  
  4.         AuthApi.authorize httpContext  
  5.         |> Result.bind (fun _ -> ElasticAdapter.deleteRoute id)  
  6.     match result with  
  7.     | Ok _ -> text "" next httpContext  
  8.     | Error "ItemNotFound" -> RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST "" next httpContext  
  9.     | Error "Forbidden" -> RequestErrors.FORBIDDEN "" next httpContext  
  10.     | Error _ -> ServerErrors.INTERNAL_ERROR "" next httpContext  
Note that in a discriminated union we match multiple error cases, and one of them is a Forbidden case
Now let's have a look at the code of the authorize method inside AuthApi
  1. let authorize (httpContext : HttpContext) =  
  2.     let authorizationHeader = httpContext.GetRequestHeader "Authorization"  
  3.     let authorizationResult =  
  4.         authorizationHeader  
  5.         |> Result.bind JwtValidator.validateToken  
  6.     authorizationResult  
 And here's the JtwValidator
  1. module JwtValidator  
  3. open Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens  
  4. open System.Text  
  5. open System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt  
  6. open System  
  8. let key = "<your key>"  
  10. let createValidationParameters =  
  11.     let validationParameters = TokenValidationParameters()  
  12.     validationParameters.ValidateAudience <- false  
  13.     validationParameters.ValidateLifetime <- true  
  14.     validationParameters.ValidateIssuer <- false  
  15.     validationParameters.IssuerSigningKey <- SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key))  
  16.     validationParameters  
  18. let validateToken (token: string) =   
  19.     try  
  20.         let tokenHandler = JwtSecurityTokenHandler()  
  21.         let validationParameters = createValidationParameters  
  22.         let mutable resToken : SecurityToken = null    
  23.         tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token, validationParameters, &resToken)  
  24.         |> ignore  
  25.         Result.Ok()  
  26.     with  
  27.     | _ -> Result.Error "Forbidden"  
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