Complete Detailed Migration And PreCheckScanning Summary Document Using SPMT Tool For PDrive To OneDrive Migration


SharePoint Migration Tool (SPMT) is a simple tool for transferring all our PDrive personal files to OneDrive location for all the individual users.
Total Users: 25
List of all 25 users mentioned in the CSV with all the list of User Accounts without any special characters,
Configure the Users csv file with all the above list of User Accounts without any special characters.
Use the attached InitiateMigration script code and save it as .ps1 to run for getting our Migration Summary.
Delete both of these folders before running the PS script: Migration Tool & Migration Tool Storage
Get a complete Scan summary.
Start time: 20190227073609
End time: 20190301221054
Get both the Time details frim the Transcript file generated.
  • Total time taken
    Almost 2 days and 15 hours

  • Observations
    It took too much time because of 48,357 Items in the user account: PETSAMUIKO

  • Failures
    There are so many failures also observed as per the Failed Summary report and most of them have been excluded as per our configuration: "The file was filtered out by Customer Settings: The file is filtered out by extension".

  • Precaution needs to be taken to avoid such a huge number of Items at a time which should be scanned in the PreChecking process itself.

    Total Migrated GB: 31.37 GB
    GB Not Migrated: 0 GB as per the Summary Report generated as shared above.
    Migration Speed: 31.37 GB/63 Hours
Steps followed for PreCheckscanning,
  • Configure the Users CSV file with the list of all User Accounts without any special characters.
  • Use the attached PreCheckScan script code and save it as .ps1 to run for getting our PreCheck Summary.
  • Delete both of these folders before running the PS script: Migration Tool & Migration Tool Storage.
  • Run the PreCheckScan PS script by doing a right click.
  • Start time: 20190305082845
  • End time: 20190305105143
  • Get both the Time details from the Transcript file generated. 
  • Total time taken: Almost 2.5 Hours
  • Scan Speed: 31.37 GB/2.5 Hours 
We get a complete Scan summary of all the files, folders, Item Types, Content Types and other related information present in the PDrive per User Accounts for Wave1 and can be analyzed using the below mentioned Output reports generated inside the newly created Migration Tool folder.
  1. ItemFailureReport_R1
    We get all the Failures with the reason. For example - Scan File Failure: File size exceeds the limit

  2. ItemReport_R1
    We get all the Total Rows of Content Types: 60 Folders Type and 181 Items Type with any Scan Failures.

  3. Item Summary
    We get the Total scanned Items along with any Failed Scanned Items.

  4. Scan Summary
    A complete Scan Summary that provides information about Total scanned items, Total scanned folders, Total scanned List Items, Total scanned list items, Total scanned files, Folders with issues, Items with issues, Items filtered out, Folders to be migrated, Total items to be migrated along with the Device name finally.

  5. StructureReport_R1
    It contains complete information about the whole structure in the given PDrive Content per User Account.

  6. Summary Report
    It contains a summarized mixed view of all the PDrive Account,

    Source PDrive File Path, Destination SPOnline Target URL, Status, Total bytes, Total GB, Migrated bytes, Migrated GB,GB not migrated, Total scanned item, Total to be migrated, Migrated items, Items not migrated, Warning count, Start time, End time, Duration, GB/hour, Round number, Workflow ID, Task ID, and Log Path etc.
Please note that Migrated Items & Items not Migrated will be 0 as this is a pure Precheck Scanning requirement.
All the above Scanned Files are generated and their respective information helps us to avoid any kind of a heavy number of files present that may affect the total migration job speed as we have faced in wave1. Apart from this, all the above files give a complete Matrix PreCheck Scan analysis that may help us to analyze the content better and make proper decisions at the time of doing migrations through SPMT Tool.
General Observations while working with SPMT Tool for both Migrations and PreCheckScanning,
  1. Sub Level folders migrations with and without files [empty folders] are also happening with a deep level folder management tested up to 5 deeper levels is completely successful.

  2. Exception documents are always skipped even if available in the top layer or even hidden in the deeper-most layer of the subfolder. They are skipped even if they are  available multiple times in different folders in the given set of documents of a File SharePoint [PDrive].

  3. Files with special characters that are allowed are also migrated successfully without any kind of error generation or skipping during migration.

  4. I have checked the Ethernet performance through Task Manager. Send speed and Receive speeds are completely variable and changing always but can be taken at an average of 200-350 kbps and 0-100 kbps respectively. Sending Speed is always greater than Receiving Speed.

  5. Parallel migrations can be possible by adding their respective user accounts without any special characters in the Users.csv file and takes more time compared to a single user account migration of the same size of files with documents.

    Eg: 2 Parallel jobs for 2 users of 5GB each take 40 minutes of total time to complete. A single user migration takes only 28 minutes to complete.

  6. Overwriting the files is very fast using SPMT tool as scanning gets completed very quickly and hence the respective delta/incremental migrations take place [only for modified documents] leaving the unchanged files un-migrated for robust performance.

Recommendations while using SPMT Tool

  1. Always make sure that Proxy option settings are disabled for the Browser in order to avoid unnecessary time while running any kind of SPMT Scanning or Migration job(s).

  2. Always first perform the PreCheckScanning as explained above to identify any huge data or a huge number of items present in any specific User Account(s) to avoid a huge amount of Migration Time as PreCheckScanning reports are very useful in understanding the PDrive content.

  3. Better to reduce the number of parallel migration jobs if the data size is too large [including the complete number of jobs] to avoid unnecessary handover problems/slow performance and run those migration jobs separately for a faster pace of execution.

  4. Better to split and migrate if the file size is 10GB or more for faster performance if it's otherwise taking too much migration time.

  5. Exclude unnecessary mailers to the User Email while performing PreCheckScanning operations.

  6. Include User Email Accounts also while performing InitiateMigration operations.
For more information please go through the attached SPMT Process document and other related important process documents that can be super useful for you guys for a similar kind of project and associated scenarios.
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