CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Introduction to CI/CD

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is part of the modern software development life cycle. Gone are the days when "application building & deployment" used to be a tedious manual process. Now you have the option to make it automated with just few clicks.

There are many CI/CD tools available in the market. They each have their own selling point/trade-offs.

In this article, I will be focusing on one of the popular tools called VSTS or “Azure DevOps”. Some of the reasons I chose this are:

  1. It has cloud-based Git repository, and supports open source Git repositories as well
  2. Easily configurable Build and Release pipeline, irrespective of languages
  3. Intuitive UI, I personally felt it guides you through the steps

Let’s get through some actions to understand Azure DevOps capabilities.

First things first, I created one free account in "Azure DevOps" to demonstrate CI/CD. I will be publishing my application in Azure so I have also signed up in Azure for a trial account.

My application, an ASP.NET core 2.0 RESTful WebAPI that I developed few days before writing this article, was hosted in a GitHub repository at that time.

Though Azure DevOps has the option to integrate with GitHub,  I will be using DevOps repository (for code) and CI/CD utility, to keep things nice and simple. Apart from that it is a good opportunity to demonstrate how we can commit our code to two Gits.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

To begin with, go to Azure Devops and create a Project.

My RESTful application name is BackendAPI so I prefer to keep the same name for the project. Note I choose for it to be a private repo because I will not be sharing this code.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

A successful project creation ends up with the following screen. This indicates it is ready for you to work.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps 

Now I would like to upload my code to Azure DevOps. For that I need to verify if there are any pending changes to commit (to my GitHub). 

For that I went to the path where the project is located and used “git status” command. The status “nothing to commit” confirms there are no changes remaining to be committed. 

CI/CD through Azure DevOps 

Then go to Azure DevOps “Repo” menu and you will see a couple of commands. One of them shows how to push into Azure repository. So I copied the command to push changes.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

But there is an issue with my situation. As I mentioned earlier my code is linked to “GitHub” already so I got an error saying the “remote origin already exists”. This means I cannot keep the same origin name.

So instead of “add origin”, I changed it to “add azureorigin”. Everything else remains the same.

Once the command's execution completes I can see it in the repo. Great!!! 

So I have got the code repo to work with. 

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Now this is the time to create a build pipeline. This also means any commit to Azure repo will trigger a new build.

So in menu “Pipelines”->"Builds", I choose Azure Repos to create a new build pipe line.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

I selected an available repository, in this case only one, “BackendAPI”.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps 

The next step is choosing the template. I chose ASP.NET core, as my application is ASP.NET core API.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps 

Once you finish this step, you will see a new file, “azure-piplelines.yml” has been added. This file contains necessary information for building application.

No need to change anything in this instance so I will go ahead to choose “commit” option and click “save and run”.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

This will start a new build. After a successful build this is how it looks like. 


You will also be able to see the build# and when it was triggered. Awesome!!! 

So our build pipeline is ready and working. 

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

The next step is the application release pipeline.

Releasing involves 2 steps.

Step 1. Copy the latest binaries to “artifact” and then

Step 2. Use the “artifact” to publish it in the desired environment

For this I will pull “azure-pipelines.yml” in my local machine to add settings to publish.

Publishing setting starts from the line with command “- task DotNetCoreCLI@2”.

Note I prefer to update this file locally, however you don't need to. Also the setting “publishWebProjects" is kept "False”, i.e. the application I am publishing is not a web application, it is a WebAPI.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Anyway, change and commit this file and this should trigger a new build. If it does it indicates build pipeline is working as expected.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps 

At this point in time the application is ready to be published and deployed. Now I will proactively create a “Azure Web App”.

I chose “Free Trial” subscription and my app name is “BackendAPIAPI” 

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Go back to “Azure DevOps”, select Pipelines->Releases and create a new release pipeline. The release is going to be an “Azure App Service deployment”. 

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Then I created an artifact with necessary settings like Project, Source (Build pipeline).

The Default version is the latest, and I will be releasing the latest build. I named the artifact as “Code Drop”. Click “Add” and it adds a new Artifact.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Once finished I will point to the publish environment by clicking the “1 job, 1 task” link and putting in the  necessary information.

I chose the Web App, BackendAPIAPI, that I created in Azure.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Clicked on “Save” (top right) and it is ready to go.

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

I will go ahead and create a new “Release Pipeline” by clicking “Release”-> ”Create a release”

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

I created a new release pipeline by choosing the source from “Code Drop” and target to be “Azure Deployment”

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

Once created it will create a new release pipeline 

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

To start deployment, I will choose the “Deploy” option from Stages and click on Deploy

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

This will start the deployment process

CI/CD through Azure DevOps 

Once finished I verified WebAPI endpoint (from Azure) and it all looks good

CI/CD through Azure DevOps

That's it. Happy Coding!!! 

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