Site collection administrators have permission to change the regional settings. After site collection is created, we change the regional setting using SharePoint site settings. And also, an individual user can specify the regional setting for their personal page. Let us see the steps to change the regional settings.
Step 1 - Open your SharePoint site where you need to change the regional settings.
Step 2 - Then, select "Site settings" from gear menu, as shown below.
Step 3 - On "Site settings" page, select "Regional settings" under site administration page. It will navigate you to regional settings page.
Step 4 - Then, we can change the Time Zone, Region, sort Order, etc… I’m changing Pacific Time to Chennai Kolkata timing.
Step 5 - Once we are done with the changes, click “OK” to save the changes.
If we check the sub-site settings, regional changes will be affected the all sub-sites also.
Summary - In this article, we have explored how to change the regional setting for SharePoint Online Site collection.