C# Keywords


C# is rich in features and keywords which helps to make the language strong and versatile. Keywords are predefined sets of reserved words that have a special meaning that is known to the compiler. These keywords have special significance so that we cannot use them as identifiers for class name, variable name, and interface name. In this blog, you will learn about C# keywords.

C# Keywords List

List of Reserved Keywords is given below table which is available in C# Programming language,

using as finally sbyte
int is fixed sealed
char abstract foreach sizeof
float base goto typeof
double case return stackalloc
short try implicity struct
long catch in switch
string checked internal throw
true class interface throw
false const lock ulong
static decimal namespace unchecked
this enum new unsafe
byte default null ushort
bool private object virtual
break protected operator void
continue  public out volatile
if delegate override extern
else do params using static
while event readonly  
for explict ref  

C# Keywords Categorized with their types or groups

Namespace Keywords using, operator, extern alias
Type Keywords string, int, long, bool, byte, char, class, decimal, double, enum, float, sbyte, short, struct, uint, ulong, ushort
Operator Keywords is, await, as, new, sizeof, typeof, checked, unchecked, stackalloc
Statement Keywords if, else, switch, case, do, for, foreach, in, while, break, continue, default, goto, return, yield, throw, try, catch, finally, checked, unchecked, fixed, lock
Literal Keywords null, false, true, value, void
Modifier Keywords public, private, protected, internal, abstract, async, const, event, extern, new, override, partial, readonly, sealed, static, unsafe, virtual, volatile
Method Parameter Keyword params, ref, out
Access Keywords base, this
Contextual Keywords add, var, dynamic, global, set, value
Query Keywords from, where, select, group, into, orderby, join, let, in, on, equals, by, ascending, descending

Essential C# Keywords  

Concept Description
public Accessible from any code, anywhere in the project.
private Accessible only within the same class or struct.
protected Accessible within the same class and derived classes.
internal Accessible within the same assembly.
protected internal Accessible within its own assembly or by derived classes.
class Defines a class, a blueprint for creating objects.
interface Declares a contract that classes can implement.
struct Creates a value type holding data directly.
enum Defines an enumeration, a set of named constants.
record Defines an immutable data class.
string Represents text data.
int A 32-bit integer.
bool Represents a Boolean value (true or false).
double A double-precision floating-point number.
decimal Used for high-precision decimal numbers.
var Allows the compiler to infer the type of a variable.
static Belongs to the type itself rather than an instance.
virtual Allows a method to be overridden in a derived class.
override Provides a new implementation of a virtual method.
abstract Must be implemented by derived classes.
async Marks a method as asynchronous.
await Waits for the completion of an asynchronous operation.
if, else Executes code based on a conditional expression.
switch Allows multiple branches of execution.
for, foreach Used for iterating over collections or repeating code.
while, do Executes a block of code repeatedly.
break Exits a loop or a switch statement.
continue Skips the rest of the current loop iteration.
return Exits a method and optionally returns a value.
throw Throws an exception.
try, catch, finally Surrounds code that might throw an exception.
null Represents the absence of a value.
default Provides the default value of a type.
using Ensures that resources are properly disposed of.
is Checks if an object is of a specific type.
as Safely converts an object to a specific type.
new() Instantiates a new object.
nameof Retrieves the name of a variable or type as a string.
when Adds a condition to pattern matching.
fixed Pins a pointer in memory to prevent garbage collection from moving it.
unsafe Allows code that uses pointers.
stackalloc Allocates memory on the stack.
volatile Indicates that a field may be modified by multiple threads.
value Refers to the value being assigned in a property setter.
get Defines a property accessor that retrieves the value.
set Defines a property mutator that sets the value.
yield Used in iterator methods to provide a value to the enumerator object.
partial Allows a class or method to be defined in multiple files.
where Specifies constraints on generic type parameters.


We cannot use C# standard keywords as identifiers for class names, variable names, and interface names. If you want to learn more about C# keywords, you can refer Essential C# Keywords

If you have any query/suggestion on C# keywords, please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading and I hope you like it.

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