C# Corner Community Needs Your Help

C# Corner is a community run and managed by community members including you. Since 1999, C# Corner community has helped tens of millions.
Learning, sharing, and giving back to the society is a vital part of the community and also a responsible of each community member.
You can help. You don't need to be an author or speaker to just be a part of the community. You can help by community by doing one or more of the following:
  1.  Tell your friends and co-workers about C# Corner and ask them to join
  2. Get involved with the chapters and webinars: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/chapters/
  3. If you have influence in your company, ask your company to call C# Corner speakers visit your company
  4. Help us spread out the word to talk about C# Corner Conference: http://conference.c-sharpcorner.com/
  5. Share and Like C# Corner page and contents that you like on your Social Media accounts.
  6. Be proud to be a part of community
Thank you for all the help.
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