I am back again with this small trick ;
it is about building a connection string with any data base because personally
can't remember the hole connection string to use , let's start :
1. Open note book of windows
2. Save the blank document as an UDL file : example conn.UDL
3. Open the file by double clicking on the icon
and a window will be shown like
the following :
who does not know this window ! it is a familiar one used to build a connection
string interactively; do what you have to do, select the data base DRIVER ,
specify the data base path ....
When you finish push the button Test to know if you did good and OK to terminate
the operation.
4. Open the UDL file with the note book
And here is under your eyes the connection string you built and you need to use
in your application just do a small effort to copy it and past it where you want.
I will try to post this trick as a video file, wish I could and I want to say
sorry about my windows it is in French language, because it is my second foreign
language, just try to follow the pictures.