Branding in PowerApps

To brand a PowerApp, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the PowerApp in edit mode: Open the PowerApp that you want to brand in edit mode.

  2. Click on the App Settings: In the top right corner of the PowerApps Studio, click the "File" menu and select "App settings".

  3. Customize the app icon: Under the "General" section, click on "Customize" next to "App icon" to upload a custom icon for your app. You can use a PNG or SVG file of 1024 x 1024 pixels.

  4. Customize the app name: Under the "General" section, you can customize the display name for your app.

  5. Change the theme: Under the "Screen size + orientation" section, you can change the theme for your app. You can choose from the default Light or Dark themes or create a custom theme with your colors.

  6. Add a splash screen: Under the "Screen size + orientation" section, you can add a custom splash screen to display when the app is launched. You can use a PNG or SVG file of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

  7. Customize the loading experience: Under the "Advanced settings" section, you can customize the loading experience for your app. You can choose to display a loading screen or animation while the app is loading.

  8. Save and publish the changes: Once you have made your branding changes, click on the "Save" button and then click on "Publish" to publish the changes to your app.

Following these steps, you can brand your PowerApp with a custom app icon, name, theme, splash screen, loading experience, and more. This can help to create a more polished and professional-looking app that reflects your organization's brand and style.

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