BCS allows you to connect to external data sources from SharePoint. Secure Store Target application allows you to store the credentials to access this external data sources. While creating an External Content Type you can mention the “Target Application Name” to use these credentials while connecting to the external data source.
How to create a “Secure Store Target Application”? Follow the below steps…
Step 1
Go to SharePoint Central Administration -> Application Management -> Manage Service Applications – > Secure Store Service – > Click on “New” in the ribbon, you will get the below window –
For example – if I am creating the target application to connect to ABC application, then probably, I would have
“Target application ID” as – ABCConnection, “Display Name” as – ABC, Conatact E-mail – [email protected], Target Application type should be “Group” and Target Application Page URL will be selected as “None”
Step 2
Click “Next”, you will get next page,
By default, the fields would contain “Window User Name” and “Windows Password”
Since there will be a connection to SQL Server, keep the field names as “User Name” and “Password” and field Type as “User Name” and “Password” respectively. Make sure you have “masked”, checked for password.
Step 3
Click “Next”
Mention the administrators and members and click “Ok”.
This will create the Secure Store Target Application.
Step 4
Once the target application is created go to listings of all applications, select the one for which you need to set the permissions (give appropriate credentials to connect to database)
Click “Set Credentials”
This will open a pop up window asking for “User Name” and “password”. Enter them and click “ok”.
Now you’re all set to create an External Content Type. How to create an External Content Type will be the subject of another blog.