Azure Application Gateway Cost Reductions


In this blog, we are discussing how to reduce the application gateway cost.

Sometimes, developers create the resources in Azure without understanding the pricing model at the end, which leads to paying unnecessarily. Nowadays days, most organizations are giving more importance to cutting down the infrastructure or cloud investment.

Let's particularly talk about application gateway.

In the application gateway, under the configuration section, we have two options.

  1. SKU size
  2. 2) Instance count

SKU size defines the size of the application gateway. Here we have 3 options.

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

Application gateway SKU size

The instance count defines the number of instances we have in the gateway.

The non-Prod environment uses the following configurations.

  • SKU Size: Medium with 1 instance count.

The production environment uses the following configurations.

  • SKU Size: Large with 1 instance count.

To change the above configurations in the gateway, we need to verify the metrics based on the CPU utilization, and through rate, we can do the scale-out operations.

Application gateway SKU size


In this blog, we learned about how to reduce the application gateway cost.

I hope that you find it helpful. Eat->Code->Sleep->Repeat.

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